$159.00 USD

4 monthly payments

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LEVEL 3: The Cosmic Academy of Astrology

Reveal Life’s Patterns: Unlock the Power of House Rulerships for Freaky-Accurate Readings

Level 3 delves into the advanced study of house rulerships, equipping you to connect planetary rulers to their respective houses for a deeper, more nuanced understanding of the birth chart.

By mastering these techniques, you’ll unlock the ability to interpret complex themes such as career, relationships, and life direction with clarity and precision.

What You’ll Learn:

  • Understand House Rulerships: Learn how planetary rulers impact chart dynamics and influence major life themes.
  • Evaluate Life Path and Challenges: Explore career, relationships, and personal growth with a holistic approach that ties together all elements of the chart.
  • Hone Predictive Skills: Combine transits with house rulerships to deliver powerful, accurate predictions that resonate with clients.

This level gives you the tools to create readings that feel personal, intuitive, and deeply transformative, elevating your practice so you can become an attuned, integrated astrologer who gives life-changing insight that resonate long after the reading ends.

BONUS: When you enroll, you’ll gain lifetime access to the course material and our vibrant student community, where you can ask unlimited questions, share insights, and receive ongoing feedback.

With Level 3, you’ll also enjoy an entire year of bi-weekly Q&A calls to deepen your learning, while students who join us for the full program receive an unmatched two full years of expert-led Q&A sessions to ensure you master astrology with confidence and support every step of the way.