Your LIFETIME access to The Astrological Forecasting Mini-Course gives you:
Introduction: What is Horoscopic Astrology
In this section we cover the history of the Sun Sign Horoscope along with important foundational information for delivering expertly crafted general astrology forecasts.
Part 1: The Rising, Sun & Moon Sign Horoscope
WHY do these astrology forecasts apply the Rising, Sun and Moon Sign? Why not just the Rising Sign? Why not just the Sun? How does it all work? Find out everything you need to know about “Sunrise” and “Moonrise” horoscopes in this video.
Part 2: Preparing Your Forecast
This section is where the rubber meets the road and where you’ll learn everything you need to know to create astrological forecasts that really resonate! This is where you’ll learn exactly what to focus on in your forecasts and how to prepare for your general horoscopes. You’ll receive a step-by-step guide for how to select the most predominant influences, how to prepare and outline your forecast, and how to visualize and deliver very specific, freaky accurate forecasts for all 12 Zodiac signs!
Part 3: Delivering Your Forecast
Preparation is important but, when it comes to creating an astrological forecast that really resonates, delivery is key! Learn the absolute best practices for delivering your horoscopes and aligning with your ideal clients through your free astrological content,
BONUS Part 4: Creating Video Forecasts For YouTube
In this final bonus section we’ll discuss everything you need to know to get started with creating astrology forecasts for YouTube—from your basic YouTube video set-up for budgets large-and-small, to beating the algorithms, getting eyes on your videos, and using your free video content as a tool to connect with paid clients.