$149.00 USD

9 monthly payments

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LEVEL 1: Cosmic Academy of Astrology

When you join The Cosmic Academy of Astrology - Level One - Foundations, you take ownership of your astrological mastery with:


  • Comprehensive astrology information delivered in a clear, strategic, and manageable manner, so you'll never 'drown' in a sea of data.

  • A course combining pre-recorded lectures with WEEKLY live demonstrations, talks, and Q&A sessions with Heather and her Teaching Assistants each month to ensure you're really understanding what you're learning.

  • An interactive online classroom experience in which you can engage with your fellow astrologers AND have your questions answered by experts in real-time (including your teacher)!

  • An easy-to-use community that offers a safe and judgment-free space for you to ask questions, connect with other students, practice your skills, and get the feedback you need to build confidence in your astrology skills!

  • Strategic assignments and quizzes designed to test your knowledge and to help you begin to think critically about astrology in action! Thinking critically is a KEY component to providing accurate chart interpretations.