$159.00 USD

4 monthly payments

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I understand that by completing my purchase, I am entering into a payment plan agreement for the full payment of my course tuition. I understand that this is NOT a monthly membership subscription service. I understand that my payment plan for the Cosmic Academy of Astrology cannot be canceled at will. I understand that I am obligated to pay my course tuition in full, just as I would be with any standard payment plan arrangement.

LEVEL 2: The Cosmic Academy of Astrology

In Level 2, you’ll take your astrology skills to the next level by mastering the art of predictive astrology through the study of transits.

Learn how to track the movement of planets and their influence on a birth chart to deliver precise, empowering insights into the future.

Whether interpreting life-changing outer planet transits or timing key moments using inner planet and luminary cycles, this module equips you with the tools to craft detailed, accurate predictions that amaze and inspire.

What You’ll learn:

  • Understand the Impact of Planetary Movements: Learn how outer planet transits reveal long-term transformations while inner planets and luminaries highlight everyday opportunities and challenges.
  • Decode the Karmic Power of Lunar Nodes and Eclipses: Explore their life-altering influence and learn how to integrate these insights into client readings.
  • Build Confidence with Real-Life Applications: Watch a full demonstration of transit readings and practice with assignments designed to sharpen your predictive skills.

BONUS: When you enroll, you’ll gain lifetime access to the course material and our vibrant student community, where you can ask unlimited questions, share insights, and receive ongoing feedback.

With Level 2, you’ll also enjoy an entire year of bi-weekly Q&A calls to deepen your learning, while students who join us for the full program receive an unmatched two full years of expert-led Q&A sessions to ensure you master astrology with confidence and support every step of the way.