$149.00 USD

4 monthly payments

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LEVEL 5: The Cosmic Academy of Astrology

"Unveil Hidden Cycles of Growth and Transformation with Secondary Progressions"

Level 5 introduces the transformative technique of secondary progressions, teaching you how to reveal life’s subtle yet powerful changes through the evolving positions of planets. 

By mastering progressions, you’ll uncover personal growth cycles, emotional milestones, and pivotal moments in a client’s journey, creating readings that feel deeply personal and provide valuable guidance for the months and years to come.

What You’ll Learn:

  • Reveal Emotional and Personal Cycles: Track the progressed moon’s influence to uncover emotional themes and key life phases.
  • Identify Major Turning Points: Learn how planets changing signs, aspecting natal planets, or stationing retrograde/direct signal profound transformations.
  • Enhance Predictive Depth: Use secondary progressions to add layers of nuance and accuracy to your predictive readings.

This level equips you to become an attuned astrologer who can identify and articulate the subtle yet powerful shifts shaping a client’s life, delivering insights that inspire clarity and empowerment.

BONUS: When you enroll, you’ll gain lifetime access to the course material and our vibrant student community, where you can ask unlimited questions, share insights, and receive ongoing feedback.

With Level 5, you’ll also enjoy an entire year of bi-weekly Q&A calls to deepen your learning, while students who join us for the full program receive an unmatched two full years of expert-led Q&A sessions to ensure you master astrology with confidence and support every step of the way.