Cosmic Insights

August 2023 Astro-Highlights: When Life Throws You Curveballs!

Jul 31, 2023

August is a powerful month of transition and change, ultimately guiding us toward greater freedom. But, before we get there, frustration and doubt could force us to take a detour!

This month begins with an unusually emotional Full Super Moon in the typically cool, calm and collected sign of Aquarius. Mid-month brings major curve ball energy with an impulsive New Moon in Leo, which initiates new pathways born out of intense frustration!

On the 23rd, the Sun enters Virgo and Mercury stations retrograde in Virgo the very same day. The extra emphasis on planning and organization stimulated by this detail-oriented Virgo energy will help us process what is unfolding and further refine where we want to go next.

Unexpected shifts and bouts of indecision come at the end of the month, with Mars moving into Libra right before Uranus stations retrograde in Taurus!

The month closes with an unusually sobering Full Moon in Pisces conjunct Saturn, serving as the reality check we need to remember to stand our ground and remain firm in our boundaries, even when we’d rather disconnect and avoid facing facts.


Energy Most Challenging for Sun/Moon/Rising in: Leo, Virgo, Pisces

Mixed Energy for Sun/Moon/Rising in: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius

Maximum Intensity for Sun/Moon/Rising in: Leo, Virgo



August 1, 2023: Full Moon at 9° Aquarius

August 16, 2023: New Moon at 23° Leo 

August 23, 2023: Sun Enters Virgo

August 23, 2023: Mercury Stations Retrograde at 21° Virgo

August 27, 2023: Mars Enters Libra 

August 28, 2023: Uranus Stations Retrograde at 23° Taurus

August 30, 2023: Full Moon at 7° Pisces




Full Moon at 9° Aquarius

Exact on August 1, 2023, 12:32 pm MDT

Most active from July 26 through August 6, 2023

Things are about to get STRANGELY emotional with the Full Moon in Aquarius! The Moon in Aquarius is usually more of a cerebral, social, and emotionally detached energy. However, with this being a super moon squaring Jupiter in Taurus, big and potentially hard-to-identify emotions will likely come up for examination.

This Full Moon culminates the intense New Moon in Cancer cycle from two weeks ago, which opposed Pluto and initiated a period of intense emotional revelation and a deep desire for change. Emotion spurred us into action at the Cancer New Moon, bringing us where we are now. The Aquarius Full Moon is illuminating the fact that we are NOT where we expected to be at all.

However, with a square to Jupiter, our emotional perception may be disproportionate to our actual experience. It’s even possible with a Jupiter square that we are overwhelmed by too much of a good thing OR unable to recognize the good things that are happening! Perhaps the changes we initiated at the New Moon happened more quickly than anticipated, and we are now both anxious and excited about our next steps.

Whatever the case, it is advisable to remember that with the Great Benefic Jupiter involved, any challenges we are dealing with will likely resolve positively.



New Moon at 23° Leo

Exact on August 16, 2023, at 3:38 am MDT

Most active from August 11 through August 21, 2023

It's time to break FREE with the New Moon in Leo! The Moon in Leo is already a bold, creative, and courageous energy, but this lunation will have many of us stepping WAY outside of our comfort zones!

The New Moon squares Uranus in Taurus EXACTLY, which stirs up an impulsive urge to break free in some area of life! With a square to Uranus, we want something new, fresh, and unconventional, and we don't want to be held back or restrained. 

At this New Moon, we may feel more frustrated, restless, or at our breaking point and, therefore, willing to do things we might not otherwise do under normal circumstances.

The good news is that this New Moon is trine to the North Node in Aries! This trine indicates that the rebellious actions we take in response to this frustrating energy are how we discover something new and break FREE into the next fated chapter of our lives. 



Sun Enters Virgo

Exact on August 23, 2023, at 3:01 am MDT

Active from August 23 through September 22, 2023

The Sun in Virgo is a practical, goal-oriented energy, ultimately motivated by a sense of service. Virgo wants to be helpful and create tangible results by ensuring all the parts and pieces of the greater machine run smoothly and efficiently. This need for efficiency makes Virgo energy excellent for figuring out the kinks and planning the steps that eventually lead to the bigger goal.

Virgo's desire for efficiency and orderliness also applies to the physical body. Virgo season is a great time to refine your health plan and make changes to get your body in optimal condition.

Overall, this transit is an excellent time for organizing, problem-solving, and cutting out what no longer works. However, with Mars transiting Virgo alongside the Sun, it's possible to be a little overzealous with our desire to clean house. Try not to throw the baby out with the bathwater!



Mercury Stations Retrograde at 21° Virgo

Exact on August 23, 2023, at 1:59 pm MDT

Active from August 23 through September 15, 2023

Mercury retrogrades are always a time for slowing down, reflecting, and refining what is already been initiated. In the sign of Virgo, this is doubly true! Mercury in Virgo is a quick mental energy that is focused on the details. Despite the bad reputation Mercury has when it goes retrograde, this particular Mercury retrograde is going to be quite helpful. Mercury will station in a trine to Uranus in Taurus and forms three trines with Jupiter in Taurus, bringing about a lot of clarity and solutions to any ongoing problems we've been experiencing in our day-to-day life.

Communication during a Mercury retrograde is always a little off, and in Virgo, it can potentially be a little harsh or unnecessarily critical. Before you send the message or make an important phone call, take a breath and ensure your ducks are in a row. It’s still true that anything done in haste during a Mercury retrograde will likely come back up!



Mars Enters Libra

Exact on August 27, 2023, at 7:20 am MDT

Active from August 27 through October 12, 2023

Mars is entering Libra today, the home of Venus and the sign of its detriment. In Libra, Mars is motivated by fairness and what is harmonious for all. On the one hand, this is an easygoing and agreeable energy. On the other hand, agreeableness is not the nature of Mars! We can struggle to assert ourselves or express what we want while Mars is in diplomatic Libra. This lack of assertion can lead to bottled-up frustration, anger, and letting out of those frustrations at inappropriate times and places.

However, this is a good energy for when we have multiple parties to consider and try to make happy; just remember that your needs are valid and important too!



Uranus Stations Retrograde at 23° Taurus

Exact on August 28, 2023, at 8:38 pm MDT

Active from August 28, 2023, through January 22, 2024

Uranus, the planet of liberation and awakening, stations retrograde today, sparking a 5-month process of internal reflection within each of us and pulling forth a desire for more freedom in some area of our lives. Uranus shows us where we want to go our own way or do our own thing, uninhibited by outside restraints. We may find ourselves more willing to rebel against unnecessary constraints. Uranus retrograde is a great time to explore the angsty feelings that arise, knowing it is a needed step toward greater authenticity and freedom in our lives.

On the days surrounding Uranus' station, there can be a looming restlessness, a palpable sensation that anything could happen. It is an excellent time to practice grounding techniques that help you relax and come down from a state of high alert.



Full Moon at 7° Pisces

Exact on August 30, 2023, at 7:35 pm MDT

Most active from August 25 through September 5, 2023

The boundaries between reality and imagination become blurred during the Pisces Full Moon, and we are encouraged to explore our dreams, tap into our artistic expressions, and deepen our spiritual practices. The Pisces Full Moon heightens our compassion and brings our emotions closer to the surface.  

This year, the Pisces Full Moon is conjunct Saturn, giving it a much more grounded and practical influence.

While the moon in Pisces encourages us to explore the boundless realms of possibility, Saturn reminds us of the importance of setting boundaries, creating structure, and utilizing discipline in order to achieve goals. We are also invited to use the energy of the Sun and Mercury Rx in Virgo to establish consistent routines and develop a strategic plan that further supports our goal.

The Full Moon in Pisces is sextile to its ruler Jupiter in Taurus, now in an ongoing square with Venus in Leo. Venus square Jupiter infuses the Full Moon with extraordinary levels of passion, optimism, and creativity. It also shows us that abundance awaits if we stay focused on our goals and keep the faith.


Written by Stephanie Weiss, edited by Heather and the Astrology with Heather team