Cosmic Insights

January 2024 Astro-Highlights: A Major Choice Point! 2024 astro-highlights astrology astrology highlights astrology with heather january january 2024 Dec 30, 2023

We kick off the new year with eclipse-like energy, and many of us will find ourselves at a critical crossroads this month:

Evolve with the times or get left behind.

January features a life-altering New Moon in Capricorn that squares the lunar nodes and forces us to CHOOSE a path, while...

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🙃Another WEIRD Mercury Retrograde! 2023 astro-highlights astrology astrology forecast astrology highlights astrology with heather communication extended forecast jupiter learn astrology mars mercury mercury in capricorn mercury in sagittarius mercury retrograde scorpio taurus venus Dec 02, 2023

The upcoming Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn and Sagittarius begins on a BEAUTIFUL note! But then it does some STRANGE things that might throw a wrench or two into your holiday plans!

Mercury Retrograde will begin on December 13 with Mercury stationing in Capricorn in a beautiful...

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💥The Lunar Nodes Transiting Natal Planets is LIFE-CHANGING! astro-highlights astrology astrology forecast astrology highlights astrology lessons astrology with heather fate karmic learn astrology life changing lunar nodes north node north node in aries south node south node in libra Oct 28, 2023

There are certain transits in astrology that we KNOW will be life-changing!

One of those is the Lunar Nodes transiting natal planets!

The Lunar Nodes are mathematical calculations that determine the eclipse points and are associated with the energy of karma and FATE.
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🙌The FINAL Taurus Eclipse is the Light at the End of the Tunnel!♉ astro-highlights astrology astrology forecast astrology highlights astrology with heather learn astrology lunar eclipse lunar eclipse in taurus lunar nodes zodiac tropical western astrology Oct 21, 2023

 The final Taurus Lunar Eclipse represents a long-awaited and well-deserved culmination in an area of our life that has been put through the wringer!

Although it is a partial lunar eclipse, it is a POWERFUL and potent release that thrusts us into the next phase of life.

The Lunar Eclipse...

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♎The Annular Solar Eclipse in Libra isn't easy, but it's NEEDED! annular solar eclipse astro-highlights astrology astrology forecast astrology highlights astrology lessons astrology with heather learn astrology lunar nodes natal chart solar eclipse zodiac tropical western astrology Oct 07, 2023

This South Node eclipse SQUARES Pluto in Capricorn, triggering karmic endings that MUST occur to restore balance and equilibrium in our lives!

We have sensed a growing problem in each of our lives, but perhaps we've been avoiding dealing with it to keep the peace. This peace-keeping,...

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