Cosmic Insights

Malefic Houses in Traditional & Medical Astrology 12th house 6th house 8th house malefic houses medical astrology traditional astrology Feb 01, 2024

Did you know that certain houses are considered “malefic” in traditional Hellenistic astrology?”

That’s right! Traditionally, the 6th, 8th, and 12th houses are connected to difficult topics and are believed to be “bad places.”

And in medical astrology, these...

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🍎The 6th House Holds the KEY To Health! 6th house astrology astrology lessons astrology with heather diet habits health learn astrology medical astrology medical astrology houses Sep 16, 2023

Do you understand your sixth house?

You’re not alone if you don’t.


The sixth house is an area of the chart that is often ignored until we are sick (or maybe when we’re looking for a new job, as it is also the house of work and service)


Ignoring the 6th house until...

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