Cosmic Insights

December 2023 Astro-Highlights: Dynamic Shifts and Hopeful New Beginnings! 2023 abundance astro-highlights astrology astrology forecast december 2023 gratitude jupiter love language mars in scorpio mercury mercury in capricorn mercury retrograde money neptune in 12th house new moon forecast sagittarius sun in 12th house venus in scorpio Nov 29, 2023

December unfolds with dynamic shifts, injecting much-needed hope (and a little chaos) into our year-end narrative! 

The month begins with Mercury entering the practical and strategic sign of Capricorn, where we’ll gain a little momentum before it stations retrograde in a couple of...

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๐Ÿ‚November 2023 Astro-Highlights: Think BIG. Work Hard. 2023 astro-highlights astrology astrology forecast astrology with heather learn astrology libra monthly astrohighlights new moon in scorpio pluto sagittarius saturn saturn in pisces venus in libra Oct 31, 2023

Restrictive Saturn is a major player throughout November, reminding us to use discernment before shooting off into the lofty territory of Sagittarius season.

After four months of reflection, Saturn stations direct at 0° Pisces on November 4. It’s time to reinforce (or erect) boundaries...

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December 2021 Astro-Highlights: Get Ready For The GRAND FINALE! eclipse grand finale great benefic sagittarius saturn uranus venus in capricorn Dec 01, 2021

We close out both the Solar and Gregorian year with several major shifts in the astrological energy. Not only are we entering into the Grand Finale of a year-long square between Saturn and Uranus, but we’re also experiencing our LAST eclipse in Sagittarius that we’ll experience for...

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YOUR 2021 WRITTEN ASTROLOGY FORECASTS ARE HERE! 2021 WILL BE A REVOLUTIONARY YEAR! 12 signs 2021 aquarius aries astrology astrology forecast cancer capricorn cosmic insight full moon in libra gemini leo pisces sagittarius scorpio taurus virgo Dec 04, 2020


For Aries, 2021 will feel like a HUGE sigh of relief with the Capricorn stellium finally letting up and giving you some breathing room after squaring your sign all year! Saturn in Aquarius will have you re-evaluating your friendships to slowly (and politely) let go of connections that no...

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