Cosmic Insights

February 2023 Astro-Highlights: A Strange, But Welcome Period of Momentum age of aquarius astro-highlights astrology astrology forecast astrology highlights astrology lessons astrology with heather february 2023 full moon in leo mercury saturn square uranus zodiac tropical western astrology Jan 31, 2023

February ushers in a welcomed period of forward momentum in the astrology. All planets have gone direct, and while this momentum is not without its disruptions, this month is about tying up loose ends and preparing for the huge planetary changes that are still on the horizon when Saturn and Pluto...

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November's New Moon in Scorpio Empowers Us To Take Action! astrology eclipse season extended forecast fall 2021 horoscopes mars in scorpio new moon new moon forecast new moon in scorpio november 2021 saturn square uranus scorpio season Oct 30, 2021

We are now officially entering into Eclipse Season!


That’s right, next week’s powerful New Moon in Scorpio will be followed by the VERY FIRST Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, which will usher us into a new 18 month cycle of karmic growth and fated transformation.



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JUNE 2021 ASTRO-HIGHLIGHTS: TIME TO PIVOT! 2021 astrology annular solar eclipse astrology astrology with heather cazimi full moon in capricorn jupiter retrograde learn astrology mars in leo monthly astrohighlights saturn square uranus sun in cancer venus in leo Jun 01, 2021

This month we have a hugely impactful Annular Solar Eclipse in Gemini in an exact conjunction with retrograde Mercury! Ideas, information, and communications from the past can come back around to be burned away OR propel us forward into a fated new path more aligned with our destiny! Uranus...

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FEBRUARY 2021 ASTRO-HIGHLIGHTS: THE AGE OF AQUARIUS… OR SOMETHING ELSE ENTIRELY? age of aquarius full moon full moon in virgo game stop mercury direct mercury in aquarius monthly astrohighlights new moon pisces season saturn square uranus sun in pisces trine venus in aquarius Feb 01, 2021

There is a HUGE stellium brewing in Aquarius, which culminates on February 11th at the New Moon in Aquarius—ushering us into a BRAND NEW PARADIGM that will continue to play out through the end of 2021! Mars is still in Taurus through the end of this month, however; the planet of anger,...

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