Cosmic Insights

Frustrating  New Moon in Scorpio Call to Action November 4th to 18th 2021 banner with smiling Heather Eland, astrologer, standing before a red and black background

November's New Moon in Scorpio Empowers Us To Take Action!

astrology eclipse season extended forecast fall 2021 horoscopes mars in scorpio new moon new moon forecast new moon in scorpio november 2021 saturn square uranus scorpio season Oct 30, 2021

We are now officially entering into Eclipse Season!


That’s right, next week’s powerful New Moon in Scorpio will be followed by the VERY FIRST Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, which will usher us into a new 18 month cycle of karmic growth and fated transformation.


The upcoming eclipses aren’t the only reason that this particular New Moon is extra important.


The New Moon in Scorpio is also launching us into the FINAL phase and resolution point of the ongoing Saturn-Uranus square, a frustrating transit that will carry us through into the start of 2022.


This New Moon in Scorpio is a POWERFUL reminder to us all that ignoring an irritating or downright oppressive situation typically doesn’t cause it to just magically go away. When we feel that internal call for change, that ball of frustration brewing over our current circumstances—action must be taken.


There’s something in all of our lives that’s been weighing on us this year—the desire to move, shift, pivot or completely change course. For some of us, we’ve taken action on these impulses and, in doing so, we’ve hesitated, stopped, backtracked or completely stalled out. Progress has been tedious and slow, but at least some progress has been made.


For others, the call to action has been ignored completely in favor of sticking to the comfortable, tried-and-true methods that have worked well for so many years. Well, this New Moon in Scorpio is here to remind us of our deepest, truest desires. It’s here to highlight, once-and-for-all, the need to transform, progress, move forward, and break free from the rules, restrictions and internal hesitations that are holding us back.


This powerful New Moon in Scorpio, in a conjunction with Mars and making a T-Square to Uranus and Saturn fuels the psychic, psychological and emotional fire we need to commit ourselves to making the changes we truly need in our lives over these last few lingering months of the ongoing Saturn-Uranus square. While it’s important no to act out of anger or in haste, action must be taken.


Don’t let this opportunity pass you by.


Eager to learn what this New Moon in Scorpio has in store for you, personally? Check out my latest extended two-week forecast for all 12 Zodiac signs!




For those who are more well-versed in astrology, I’ve also created a list of the most important planetary alignments occurring over the next TWO WEEKS!


  • November 4th, 2021: New Moon in Scorpio
  • November 4th, 2021: Sun in Scorpio opposing Uranus in Taurus
  • November 10th, 2021: Mercury conjunct Mars in Scorpio
  • November 10th, 2021: Mercury and Mars in Scorpio square Saturn in Aquarius
  • November 12th, 2021: Sun in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces
  • November 13th, 2021: Mercury in Scorpio opposing Uranus in Taurus
  • November 15th, 2021: Sun in Scorpio square Jupiter in Aquarius
  • November 17th, 2021: Mars in Scorpio opposing Uranus in Taurus
  • November 18th, 2021: Mercury in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces 


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