Cosmic Insights

How to Predict Your LUCKIEST Times: Understanding the Great Benefic in Transit! abundance astrology astrology lessons astrology with heather blessings great benefic jupiter retrograde jupiter transits learn astrology zodiac tropical western astrology Aug 11, 2023

We all know Jupiter is the Great Benefic planet, but what does that really mean?

It means that of all the astrological planets, Jupiter typically signifies things in our life that are objectively good. However, Jupiter's broader significations are luck, growth, and expansion!
In transit,...
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December 2021 Astro-Highlights: Get Ready For The GRAND FINALE! eclipse grand finale great benefic sagittarius saturn uranus venus in capricorn Dec 01, 2021

We close out both the Solar and Gregorian year with several major shifts in the astrological energy. Not only are we entering into the Grand Finale of a year-long square between Saturn and Uranus, but we’re also experiencing our LAST eclipse in Sagittarius that we’ll experience for...

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