Cosmic Insights

FINAL Solar Eclipse in Sagittariusā€”FATE Takes the Reins! 2021 astrology accurate predictions all signs astrology astro-highlights astrology astrology forecast astrology highlights astrology predictions astrology with heather eclipse season fate fated forecast hellenistic astrology house placements karmic love astrology lunar nodes solar eclipse in sagittarius tropical zodiac zodiac tropical western astrology Nov 27, 2021

 I'm sure you're well aware that we're deep into eclipse season—a time when fate steps in and notoriously takes the reins.


One week from today, on Saturday, December 4th, we'll be in the middle of a VERY potent and unique eclipse energy.

And... we're...

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The Lunar Eclipse in Taurus brings us a glimpse into our futureā€¦. 2021 astrology destiny eclipse season fate full moon karma lunar eclipse lunar eclipse in taurus lunar nodes north node november 2021 south node taurus transformation Nov 13, 2021

On Friday, November 19th, we’ll be experiencing the very first in a whole series of eclipses in the signs of Taurus and Scorpio.

As a partial Lunar Eclipse, it won’t be the most transformational of energies for most of us, however; when it comes to cluing us into the fated new...

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November Astro-Highlights: Eclipse Season is HERE! 2021 astrology all signs astrology astro-highlights astrology astrology forecast astrology highlights astrology houses astrology lessons astrology predictions astrology with heather eclipse season extended forecast forecast hellenistic astrology learn astrology love astrology major aspects monthly astrohighlights scorpio season traditional astrology zodiac tropical western astrology Nov 01, 2021

This month will a LIFE-CHANGING time in the astrology for many people. The ongoing Saturn-Uranus square is being activated rather intensely by an onslaught of Scorpio transits at the start of this month bringing about individual and social unrest. We’re coming into the final exact...

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October 2021 Astro-Highlights: Things Get Spooky As Tensions Rise 2021 astrology all signs astrology astro-highlights astrology astrology forecast astrology highlights astrology predictions astrology with heather eris forecast learn astrology mercury retrograde monthly astrohighlights planetary aspects pluto revelations truth Sep 29, 2021

Things are heating up this month in the astrology with Mercury well into its retrograde cycle, coming into a conjunction with Mars, opposing Eris and Squaring off to Pluto—an intense and passionate energy that is likely to bring underlying tensions to an extreme boiling point! This energy...

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September 2021 Astro-Highlights: Big New Moon Awakenings & Mercury Retrograde! 2021 astrology all signs astrology astro-highlights astrology astrology forecast astrology highlights astrology predictions astrology with heather hellenistic astrology learn astrology libra love astrology mercury new moon in virgo retrograde planets taurus traditional astrology uranus retrograde zodiac tropical western astrology Sep 01, 2021

This month kicks off with a surprisingly pleasant New Moon in Virgo in a super-tight, harmonious trine with the Great Awakener Uranus, which is currently shaking things up in the grounded, sensual earth sign of Taurus. With Uranus in retrograde, we can expect big epiphany...

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