Cosmic Insights

FINAL Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius—FATE Takes the Reins!

Nov 27, 2021

 I'm sure you're well aware that we're deep into eclipse season—a time when fate steps in and notoriously takes the reins.


One week from today, on Saturday, December 4th, we'll be in the middle of a VERY potent and unique eclipse energy.

And... we're already being STRONGLY impacted by this next eclipse!

This TOTAL Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius is LAST Solar Eclipse aligned with the South Node in this sign for roughly 18 YEARS.


That means this is our LAST chance to shed our old skin, release old karmic cycles, and unravel unnecessary patterns that are holding us back from moving on to a fated new path more aligned with our purpose and destiny!


It sounds like a big deal, and that’s because it is! We’re in for a fated, cosmic reset this winter!


Sometimes we need to go backward in order to move forward, and with this eclipse that truly may be the case.


With the South Node involved, we may be forced to retreat into old ideologies, old philosophies, and old wisdom gained from our past experience in order to propel ourselves in a new direction.

Along that same note, eclipses with the South Node often bring old relationships, situations, and experiences back into our conscious awareness in order to be re-integrated or resolved.


With this eclipse in a tight conjunction with Mercury, messages tied to our past reflect the “reset” taking place and help us to discern between what’s worth bringing with us into the future and what’s leaving us feeling stuck or unsettled.

Pay close attention to the signs, synchronicities, and new connections that feel all-to-familiar near the time of this eclipses. These experiences take on a greater importance throughout this period.

To help you navigate this upcoming eclipse, I've created a new extended forecast video covering energy for all 12 Zodiac signs!