Cosmic Insights

February 2022 Astro-Highlights: We Have Reached The Turning Point! astro-highlights astrology astrology forecast astrology highlights astrology lessons astrology with heather february 2022 forecast full moon in leo hellenistic astrology learn astrology love astrology major aspects monthly astrohighlights traditional astrology zodiac tropical western astrology Jan 31, 2022

The month of February has a palpable energy about it, like a buzz from a fallen electrical wire. There was a quickening that occurred with the Aquarius New Moon on January 31st..  This New Moon acted as a trigger, like a lightning strike against a mountain that sent an unstoppable avalanche...

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Venus will be in Capricorn for FOUR WHOLE MONTHS—this is a big deal! astrology december 2021 february 2022 horoscope january 2022 march 2022 november 2021 retrograde planets venus in capricorn venus retrograde Nov 06, 2021

Venus JUST moved into Capricorn where it will be transiting for four. whole. months. 

This is a big deal.

Whichever house is occupied by Capricorn in your chart is about to undergo a four month period of pre-balancing, re-harmonizing and deep transformation.

This is because Venus will be...

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