Cosmic Insights

How to Predict Your LUCKIEST Times: Understanding the Great Benefic in Transit! abundance astrology astrology lessons astrology with heather blessings great benefic jupiter retrograde jupiter transits learn astrology zodiac tropical western astrology Aug 11, 2023

We all know Jupiter is the Great Benefic planet, but what does that really mean?

It means that of all the astrological planets, Jupiter typically signifies things in our life that are objectively good. However, Jupiter's broader significations are luck, growth, and expansion!
In transit,...
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JULY ASTRO-HIGHLIGHTS: TWO WEEKS OF TURBULENCE! astrology astrology with heather full moon jupiter in aquarius jupiter retrograde learn astrology mars mercury monthly astrohighlights new moon sun venus in virgo Jul 01, 2021

This month begins with some of the most turbulent, disruptive energy of the ENTIRE YEAR! Mars in Leo is forming a fixed T-Square with Saturn and Uranus, activating the year-long face off between the planet of restriction and the planet of liberation! Things are about to get interesting,...

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JUNE 2021 ASTRO-HIGHLIGHTS: TIME TO PIVOT! 2021 astrology annular solar eclipse astrology astrology with heather cazimi full moon in capricorn jupiter retrograde learn astrology mars in leo monthly astrohighlights saturn square uranus sun in cancer venus in leo Jun 01, 2021

This month we have a hugely impactful Annular Solar Eclipse in Gemini in an exact conjunction with retrograde Mercury! Ideas, information, and communications from the past can come back around to be burned away OR propel us forward into a fated new path more aligned with our destiny! Uranus...

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