Cosmic Insights

💥The Lunar Nodes Transiting Natal Planets is LIFE-CHANGING! astro-highlights astrology astrology forecast astrology highlights astrology lessons astrology with heather fate karmic learn astrology life changing lunar nodes north node north node in aries south node south node in libra Oct 28, 2023

There are certain transits in astrology that we KNOW will be life-changing!

One of those is the Lunar Nodes transiting natal planets!

The Lunar Nodes are mathematical calculations that determine the eclipse points and are associated with the energy of karma and FATE.
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The Lunar Eclipse in Taurus brings us a glimpse into our future…. 2021 astrology destiny eclipse season fate full moon karma lunar eclipse lunar eclipse in taurus lunar nodes north node november 2021 south node taurus transformation Nov 13, 2021

On Friday, November 19th, we’ll be experiencing the very first in a whole series of eclipses in the signs of Taurus and Scorpio.

As a partial Lunar Eclipse, it won’t be the most transformational of energies for most of us, however; when it comes to cluing us into the fated new...

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SATURN, PLUTO AND THE SOUTH NODE IN CAPRICORN EXPOSE CORRUPTION AND RESTRUCTURE OUR LIVES IN BIG WAYS! 2018 astrology 2020 astrology astrology astrology forecast astrology lessons astrology predictions astrology with heather cancer capricorn chiron conjunct north node cosmic insight learn astrology pluto pluto conjunct saturn saturn south node traditional astrology zodiac tropical western astrology Apr 12, 2019


Pluto’s conjunction to Saturn and the South Node in Capricorn represents a deeply karmic period of time in which the entire fate of our society will be irreversibly altered. As corruption within our governing bodies continues to be exposed, and the...

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The Nodes Are Changing Signs, Bringing Karmic Endings and New Beginnings for Us All! 2018 astrology astro-highlights astrology astrology forecast astrology highlights astrology lessons astrology predictions astrology with heather cosmic insight extended forecast forecast hellenistic astrology learn astrology love astrology lunar nodes mercury in capricorn new moon in cancer north node south node traditional astrology zodiac tropical western astrology Nov 07, 2018


The lunar nodes are calculations that are primarily made to track and predict the eclipses, and in astrology these points in the chart have a special, karmic significance. In Western, tropical astrology, these karmic points are referred to as the North & South Nodes....

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THE KARMIC SOUTH NODE CONJUNCT NEPTUNE IN PISCES: MAJOR DISILLUSIONMENT 2021 astrology all signs astrology astro-highlights astrology astrology forecast astrology highlights astrology lessons astrology predictions astrology with heather cosmic insight eclipse season forecast hellenistic astrology learn astrology love astrology neptune south node traditional astrology truth revealed zodiac tropical western astrology Nov 09, 2016

You think you have it all figured out, but you don’t. You think you can fully see “behind the veil,” but you can't. Right now, none of us can see things clearly enough to fully understand the Truth, and that is the nature of the South Node's conjunction to Neptune in watery,...

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