Cosmic Insights

MASSIVE Winter Forecast for All 12 Signs! 2023 2024 aquarius astrology astrology forecast awakening extended forecast horoscopes learn astrology liberation mars mercury pluto spring equinox transformation uranus winter solstice Dec 09, 2023

Because we are approaching the Winter Solstice, which is a POTENT time to set intentions for the upcoming year, I wanted to provide you with a special forecast. More importantly, I wanted to offer you practical insights to assist you in planning and making the most of the powerful...

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🙃Another WEIRD Mercury Retrograde! 2023 astro-highlights astrology astrology forecast astrology highlights astrology with heather communication extended forecast jupiter learn astrology mars mercury mercury in capricorn mercury in sagittarius mercury retrograde scorpio taurus venus Dec 02, 2023

The upcoming Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn and Sagittarius begins on a BEAUTIFUL note! But then it does some STRANGE things that might throw a wrench or two into your holiday plans!

Mercury Retrograde will begin on December 13 with Mercury stationing in Capricorn in a beautiful...

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♊It's Time to Reaffirm BOUNDARIES at the Gemini Full Moon! 2023 astro-highlights astrology astrology forecast astrology with heather boundaries full moon gemini mutable pisces reaffirming saturn t square Nov 25, 2023

There's a good reason. The Gemini Full Moon is all over the place, illuminating everything BUT Gemini's playful, social side!

This Full Moon creates a Mutable T-square in the sky and highlights the frustrating square between Mars in Sagittarius and Saturn in Pisces!

Additionally, Mercury, the...

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💥A VOLATILE New Moon in Scorpio! 2023 astro-highlights astrology astrology forecast astrology lessons astrology with heather disruption learn astrology liberation mars in scorpio mars opposition to uranus new moon new moon forecast new moon in scorpio uranus Nov 04, 2023

Hold on to your hat, the New Moon in Scorpio will be a bumpy ride!


The Scorpio New Moon, though potentially frustrating, is the "kick in the pants" we have needed to break out of a slump and jumpstart a powerfully creative new path!


The New Moon in...

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🍂November 2023 Astro-Highlights: Think BIG. Work Hard. 2023 astro-highlights astrology astrology forecast astrology with heather learn astrology libra monthly astrohighlights new moon in scorpio pluto sagittarius saturn saturn in pisces venus in libra Oct 31, 2023

Restrictive Saturn is a major player throughout November, reminding us to use discernment before shooting off into the lofty territory of Sagittarius season.

After four months of reflection, Saturn stations direct at 0° Pisces on November 4. It’s time to reinforce (or erect) boundaries...

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