Cosmic Insights

♊It's Time to Reaffirm BOUNDARIES at the Gemini Full Moon! 2023 astro-highlights astrology astrology forecast astrology with heather boundaries full moon gemini mutable pisces reaffirming saturn t square Nov 25, 2023

There's a good reason. The Gemini Full Moon is all over the place, illuminating everything BUT Gemini's playful, social side!

This Full Moon creates a Mutable T-square in the sky and highlights the frustrating square between Mars in Sagittarius and Saturn in Pisces!

Additionally, Mercury, the...

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Nothing Comes Easily with SATURN!🪐 astro-highlights astrology astrology lessons astrology with heather boundaries fear foster growth karma karmic lessons learn astrology responsibility restriction saturn structure Nov 18, 2023

 In astrology, Saturn earns the title of the "Great Malefic," notorious for ushering in karmic fear, challenges, limitations, and delays in the area of our birth charts that it occupies.

Saturn's natal placement reveals an area of life where we must face fear and assume responsibility to...

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June 2023 Astro-Highlights: Boundaries, Boundaries, & MORE Boundaries! astro-highlights astrology astrology forecast astrology with heather boundaries cancer desires goals june 2023 learn astrology neptune May 30, 2023

June looks to be an exhilarating and creative month, but BOUNDARIES are a repeated theme! June is a great month to reflect on what lights you up and ensure clarity around your goals.

The month begins with the FATED conjunction of Jupiter and the North Node in Taurus, which will propel our lives...

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Saturn in Pisces: Fact Versus Fiction astro-highlights astrology astrology forecast astrology with heather boundaries hellenistic astrology helping others pluto in aquarius restrictions saturn in pisces zodiac tropical western astrology Feb 28, 2023

March 7th, 2023 - January 26th, 2026 


With Saturn moving into Pisces, things are about to get strange.

The boundaries that define our consensus reality are about to become muddled and blurred, making it harder to discern fantasy from reality, truth from deception and fact from...

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