Cosmic Insights

The Virgo New Moon is the MOST POSITIVE and HEALING New Moon of the Year! 2023 astro-highlights astrology astrology forecast astrology with heather full moon in capricorn healing energies learn astrology magical manifesting new moon in virgo virgo Sep 09, 2023

The Virgo New Moon has STRENGTH behind it!

This New Moon is one of the most powerful healing energies of any New Moon this year, both physically and psychologically. It’s also the moon for MANIFESTING!

The Virgo New Moon begins at the same 21 degrees of Virgo, where Mercury began its ...

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YOUR 2021 WRITTEN ASTROLOGY FORECASTS ARE HERE! 2021 WILL BE A REVOLUTIONARY YEAR! 12 signs 2021 aquarius aries astrology astrology forecast cancer capricorn cosmic insight full moon in libra gemini leo pisces sagittarius scorpio taurus virgo Dec 04, 2020


For Aries, 2021 will feel like a HUGE sigh of relief with the Capricorn stellium finally letting up and giving you some breathing room after squaring your sign all year! Saturn in Aquarius will have you re-evaluating your friendships to slowly (and politely) let go of connections that no...

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SOLAR ECLIPSE IN VIRGO & LUNAR ECLIPSE IN PISCES: SEPTEMBER 2016 2016 astrology astro-highlights astrology astrology forecast astrology predictions astrology with heather cosmic insight eclipse season extended forecast forecast hellenistic astrology learn astrology lunar eclipse lunar nodes pisces season solar eclipse traditional astrology virgo zodiac tropical western astrology Aug 30, 2016


An eclipse occurs when the sun and moon transit the lunar nodes at the time of the New or Full Moon. During a New Moon eclipse, the Moon comes between the Earth and Sun and blocks the Sun’s light, forming what is known as a solar eclipse. During...

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