Cosmic Insights

Virgo New Moon forecast with an image of a purple and blue nebula in the cosmos with a bright white star and red star

The Virgo New Moon is the MOST POSITIVE and HEALING New Moon of the Year!

2023 astro-highlights astrology astrology forecast astrology with heather full moon in capricorn healing energies learn astrology magical manifesting new moon in virgo virgo Sep 09, 2023

The Virgo New Moon has STRENGTH behind it!

This New Moon is one of the most powerful healing energies of any New Moon this year, both physically and psychologically. It’s also the moon for MANIFESTING!

The Virgo New Moon begins at the same 21 degrees of Virgo, where Mercury began its retrograde cycle on August 23. It offers us a MAJOR RESET with whatever we’ve been carefully refining over the last three weeks!

The Virgo New Moon also creates a powerful Grand Earth Trine between Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus and Pluto in Capricorn, promising seamless change, transformative healing and staying power with whatever we seed at this time.


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