Cosmic Insights

♊It's Time to Reaffirm BOUNDARIES at the Gemini Full Moon! 2023 astro-highlights astrology astrology forecast astrology with heather boundaries full moon gemini mutable pisces reaffirming saturn t square Nov 25, 2023

There's a good reason. The Gemini Full Moon is all over the place, illuminating everything BUT Gemini's playful, social side!

This Full Moon creates a Mutable T-square in the sky and highlights the frustrating square between Mars in Sagittarius and Saturn in Pisces!

Additionally, Mercury, the...

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September 2023 Astro-Highlights: A Refreshing Respite! astro-highlights astrology astrology forecast astrology highlights astrology with heather full moon full moon in aries retrograde planets september 2023 supermoon zodiac tropical western astrology Aug 31, 2023

In spite of the fact that we have five planets in retrograde as the month begins, September does end with a distinct shift in the energies and a feeling of momentum after two inner planets, Venus and Mercury, finally start to move forward.

The month kicks off with Venus stationing direct in Leo...

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The Lunar Eclipse in Taurus brings us a glimpse into our future…. 2021 astrology destiny eclipse season fate full moon karma lunar eclipse lunar eclipse in taurus lunar nodes north node november 2021 south node taurus transformation Nov 13, 2021

On Friday, November 19th, we’ll be experiencing the very first in a whole series of eclipses in the signs of Taurus and Scorpio.

As a partial Lunar Eclipse, it won’t be the most transformational of energies for most of us, however; when it comes to cluing us into the fated new...

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JULY ASTRO-HIGHLIGHTS: TWO WEEKS OF TURBULENCE! astrology astrology with heather full moon jupiter in aquarius jupiter retrograde learn astrology mars mercury monthly astrohighlights new moon sun venus in virgo Jul 01, 2021

This month begins with some of the most turbulent, disruptive energy of the ENTIRE YEAR! Mars in Leo is forming a fixed T-Square with Saturn and Uranus, activating the year-long face off between the planet of restriction and the planet of liberation! Things are about to get interesting,...

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MARCH 2021 ASTRO-HIGHLIGHTS: MAGICAL NEW BEGINNINGS! equinox full moon full moon in libra kite formation mars mars in gemini mercury monthly astrohighlights new moon new moon in pisces spring equinox sun in aries venus venus in aries Mar 01, 2021

March is the first truly pleasant month in the astrology in 2021 due to the overload of compassionate and creative Neptune activation! The Sun, Venus and Mercury will move through the mystical sign of Pisces this month and align with Neptune, the planet of spirituality and psychic energy! This is...

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