Cosmic Insights

THESE MONTHLY ASTRO-HIGHLIGHTS FOR 2020 WILL HELP YOU HARNESS THE BEST ENERGY FOR YOUR YEAR AHEAD! 2020 astrology all signs astrology astro-highlights astrology astrology forecast astrology highlights astrology lessons astrology predictions astrology with heather cosmic insight extended forecast learn astrology love astrology traditional astrology zodiac tropical western astrology Dec 15, 2019

This coming year is a BIG one with lots of retrogrades, powerful eclipses and some very important shifts in the planetary energy! That’s why I’ve created a monthly guide covering the most significant astrological influences for the year ahead! My hope is that these Monthly...

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SATURN, PLUTO AND THE SOUTH NODE IN CAPRICORN EXPOSE CORRUPTION AND RESTRUCTURE OUR LIVES IN BIG WAYS! 2018 astrology 2020 astrology astrology astrology forecast astrology lessons astrology predictions astrology with heather cancer capricorn chiron conjunct north node cosmic insight learn astrology pluto pluto conjunct saturn saturn south node traditional astrology zodiac tropical western astrology Apr 12, 2019


Pluto’s conjunction to Saturn and the South Node in Capricorn represents a deeply karmic period of time in which the entire fate of our society will be irreversibly altered. As corruption within our governing bodies continues to be exposed, and the...

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