Cosmic Insights

January 2024 Astro-Highlights: A Major Choice Point! 2024 astro-highlights astrology astrology highlights astrology with heather january january 2024 Dec 30, 2023

We kick off the new year with eclipse-like energy, and many of us will find ourselves at a critical crossroads this month:

Evolve with the times or get left behind.

January features a life-altering New Moon in Capricorn that squares the lunar nodes and forces us to CHOOSE a path, while...

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๐Ÿ™ƒAnother WEIRD Mercury Retrograde! 2023 astro-highlights astrology astrology forecast astrology highlights astrology with heather communication extended forecast jupiter learn astrology mars mercury mercury in capricorn mercury in sagittarius mercury retrograde scorpio taurus venus Dec 02, 2023

The upcoming Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn and Sagittarius begins on a BEAUTIFUL note! But then it does some STRANGE things that might throw a wrench or two into your holiday plans!

Mercury Retrograde will begin on December 13 with Mercury stationing in Capricorn in a beautiful...

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December 2023 Astro-Highlights: Dynamic Shifts and Hopeful New Beginnings! 2023 abundance astro-highlights astrology astrology forecast december 2023 gratitude jupiter love language mars in scorpio mercury mercury in capricorn mercury retrograde money neptune in 12th house new moon forecast sagittarius sun in 12th house venus in scorpio Nov 29, 2023

December unfolds with dynamic shifts, injecting much-needed hope (and a little chaos) into our year-end narrative! 

The month begins with Mercury entering the practical and strategic sign of Capricorn, where we’ll gain a little momentum before it stations retrograde in a couple of...

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โ™ŠIt's Time to Reaffirm BOUNDARIES at the Gemini Full Moon! 2023 astro-highlights astrology astrology forecast astrology with heather boundaries full moon gemini mutable pisces reaffirming saturn t square Nov 25, 2023

There's a good reason. The Gemini Full Moon is all over the place, illuminating everything BUT Gemini's playful, social side!

This Full Moon creates a Mutable T-square in the sky and highlights the frustrating square between Mars in Sagittarius and Saturn in Pisces!

Additionally, Mercury, the...

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Nothing Comes Easily with SATURN!๐Ÿช astro-highlights astrology astrology lessons astrology with heather boundaries fear foster growth karma karmic lessons learn astrology responsibility restriction saturn structure Nov 18, 2023

 In astrology, Saturn earns the title of the "Great Malefic," notorious for ushering in karmic fear, challenges, limitations, and delays in the area of our birth charts that it occupies.

Saturn's natal placement reveals an area of life where we must face fear and assume responsibility to...

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