Cosmic Insights

💥The Lunar Nodes Transiting Natal Planets is LIFE-CHANGING! astro-highlights astrology astrology forecast astrology highlights astrology lessons astrology with heather fate karmic learn astrology life changing lunar nodes north node north node in aries south node south node in libra Oct 28, 2023

There are certain transits in astrology that we KNOW will be life-changing!

One of those is the Lunar Nodes transiting natal planets!

The Lunar Nodes are mathematical calculations that determine the eclipse points and are associated with the energy of karma and FATE.
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FINAL Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius—FATE Takes the Reins! 2021 astrology accurate predictions all signs astrology astro-highlights astrology astrology forecast astrology highlights astrology predictions astrology with heather eclipse season fate fated forecast hellenistic astrology house placements karmic love astrology lunar nodes solar eclipse in sagittarius tropical zodiac zodiac tropical western astrology Nov 27, 2021

 I'm sure you're well aware that we're deep into eclipse season—a time when fate steps in and notoriously takes the reins.


One week from today, on Saturday, December 4th, we'll be in the middle of a VERY potent and unique eclipse energy.

And... we're...

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