Cosmic Insights

The 8th House of DEATH Shows Your DEEPEST FEARS!—8th House Planets 8th house astrology astrology houses astrology planets death in astrology fear financial astrology jupiter malefic houses mars medical astrology mercury moon neptune occult planets pluto psychology saturn sun traditional astrology uranus venus witchcraft Jul 13, 2024

The 8th house and its sign give important information about our deepest-held traumas and fears. It shows how difficult experiences from our past cloud our judgment and unconsciously control our behavior in the present.

While the 8th house is a strong indicator of psychological health, placements...

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Malefic Houses in Traditional & Medical Astrology 12th house 6th house 8th house malefic houses medical astrology traditional astrology Feb 01, 2024

Did you know that certain houses are considered “malefic” in traditional Hellenistic astrology?”

That’s right! Traditionally, the 6th, 8th, and 12th houses are connected to difficult topics and are believed to be “bad places.”

And in medical astrology, these...

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November 2022 Astro-Highlights: Breaking Through to the Other Side! astro-highlights astrology astrology forecast astrology highlights astrology lessons astrology with heather eclipse season learn astrology love astrology november 2022 traditional astrology zodiac tropical western astrology Oct 30, 2022

November begins smack dab in the middle of eclipse season! This month is very mixed energy, with the first half of the month being a peak period of challenge for all of 2022, while the second half of the month we will feel the tension begin releasing!

The first few days of the month, while...

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October 2022 Astro-Highlights: Transforming Our Self-Worth! astro-highlights astrology astrology forecast astrology highlights astrology lessons astrology with heather eclipse season learn astrology love astrology monthly astrohighlights traditional astrology zodiac tropical western astrology Sep 30, 2022

October is a very powerful month that marks a dramatic period of change in the astrology of 2022 with many BIG shifts headed our way! THREE of the six retrograde planets will be turning direct this month along with the start to another fated and transformative eclipse season!

The month begins...

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September 2022 Astro-Highlights: A Rewarding Respite! astro-highlights astrology astrology forecast astrology highlights astrology lessons astrology with heather forecast full moon in pisces hellenistic astrology learn astrology love astrology traditional astrology zodiac tropical western astrology Aug 31, 2022

September marks a rewarding respite from the chaotic energies of the last few months! It is in September that we may begins seeing the initial results of the changes we have been making throughout this challenging year. This is not to say there aren’t more challenges ahead because we are by...

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