Cosmic Insights

๐Ÿ™ƒAnother WEIRD Mercury Retrograde! 2023 astro-highlights astrology astrology forecast astrology highlights astrology with heather communication extended forecast jupiter learn astrology mars mercury mercury in capricorn mercury in sagittarius mercury retrograde scorpio taurus venus Dec 02, 2023

The upcoming Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn and Sagittarius begins on a BEAUTIFUL note! But then it does some STRANGE things that might throw a wrench or two into your holiday plans!

Mercury Retrograde will begin on December 13 with Mercury stationing in Capricorn in a beautiful...

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December 2023 Astro-Highlights: Dynamic Shifts and Hopeful New Beginnings! 2023 abundance astro-highlights astrology astrology forecast december 2023 gratitude jupiter love language mars in scorpio mercury mercury in capricorn mercury retrograde money neptune in 12th house new moon forecast sagittarius sun in 12th house venus in scorpio Nov 29, 2023

December unfolds with dynamic shifts, injecting much-needed hope (and a little chaos) into our year-end narrative! 

The month begins with Mercury entering the practical and strategic sign of Capricorn, where we’ll gain a little momentum before it stations retrograde in a couple of...

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Are you ready for another INTENSE Mercury Retrograde? astrology forecast january 2022 mercury in aquarius mercury in capricorn mercury retrograde retrograde planets Jan 08, 2022

We kicked off the year with Mercury entering Aquarius on January 1st 2022, but this is not going to be our normal Mercury through Aquarius transit, which is normally a really great place for Mercury! Mercury retrogrades are always an important time for review and this transit is no exception...

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The Nodes Are Changing Signs, Bringing Karmic Endings and New Beginnings for Us All! 2018 astrology astro-highlights astrology astrology forecast astrology highlights astrology lessons astrology predictions astrology with heather cosmic insight extended forecast forecast hellenistic astrology learn astrology love astrology lunar nodes mercury in capricorn new moon in cancer north node south node traditional astrology zodiac tropical western astrology Nov 07, 2018


The lunar nodes are calculations that are primarily made to track and predict the eclipses, and in astrology these points in the chart have a special, karmic significance. In Western, tropical astrology, these karmic points are referred to as the North & South Nodes....

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