Cosmic Insights

DECODING the Tropical Zodiac! | Cosmic Insights Blog by Heather Eland 2024 astrology astrology lessons astrology with heather cosmic insight equinox horoscope insights learn astrology myth planets seasons sidereal solstice sun tropical zodiac truth understand zodiac tropical western astrology Dec 16, 2023

You've probably heard many skeptics of astrology say the same thing:

The Tropical Zodiac no longer aligns with the Sidereal Zodiac (the constellations we see in the sky,) and therefore, it's WRONG. 

Unfortunately, this myth prevails, but I want you to know it is just that—a myth!


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🙌The FINAL Taurus Eclipse is the Light at the End of the Tunnel!♉ astro-highlights astrology astrology forecast astrology highlights astrology with heather learn astrology lunar eclipse lunar eclipse in taurus lunar nodes zodiac tropical western astrology Oct 21, 2023

The final Taurus Lunar Eclipse represents a long-awaited and well-deserved culmination in an area of our life that has been put through the wringer!

Although it is a partial lunar eclipse, it is a POWERFUL and potent release that thrusts us into the next phase of life.

The Lunar Eclipse...

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Getting Serious About CERES in the Birth Chart! astro-highlights astrology astrology lessons astrology with heather ceres natal chart zodiac tropical western astrology Oct 14, 2023

Did you receive the type of nurturing you CRAVED in your childhood?

In the birth chart, Ceres represents a specific type of nurturing we received from our parents and caregivers OR what we deeply CRAVED from them! 

Interestingly, even with positive Ceres placements,...

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♎The Annular Solar Eclipse in Libra isn't easy, but it's NEEDED! annular solar eclipse astro-highlights astrology astrology forecast astrology highlights astrology lessons astrology with heather learn astrology lunar nodes natal chart solar eclipse zodiac tropical western astrology Oct 07, 2023

This South Node eclipse SQUARES Pluto in Capricorn, triggering karmic endings that MUST occur to restore balance and equilibrium in our lives!

We have sensed a growing problem in each of our lives, but perhaps we've been avoiding dealing with it to keep the peace. This peace-keeping,...

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The Chart Ruler Represents YOU! ascendent astrology astrology lessons astrology with heather chart ruler learn astrology zodiac tropical western astrology Sep 01, 2023

Did you know the planet that rules your ascendant sign can describe your personality, life path, and more?


Because this planet in your chart, known as the Chart Ruler, is the most representative of YOU! If you aim to make accurate astrological predictions and interpretations,...

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