Cosmic Insights

πŸ™ŒThe FINAL Taurus Eclipse is the Light at the End of the Tunnel!♉

Oct 21, 2023

 The final Taurus Lunar Eclipse represents a long-awaited and well-deserved culmination in an area of our life that has been put through the wringer!

Although it is a partial lunar eclipse, it is a POWERFUL and potent release that thrusts us into the next phase of life.

The Lunar Eclipse conjuncts Jupiter and opposes Mars, Mercury, and the Sun in Scorpio. This Full Moon could feel exhilarating, and we’ll likely find ourselves taking quick, decisive action due to a newfound sense of clarity, perspective, passion, and confidence.

While the road ahead may suddenly seem wide open, we must tap into the grounded energy of Taurus and pace ourselves for the long haul.

Luckily, the eclipse will be making a supportive sextile to Saturn in Pisces and is ruled by Venus in Virgo, now forming the final Grand Earth Trine with Uranus in Taurus and Pluto in Capricorn. These harmonious configurations provide grounding and usher in the long-awaited rewards and manifestations resulting from the difficult changes we’ve undergone over the last 2 years.

Want to know what you can expect with the FINAL Taurus eclipse? Click the video below to watch my Taurus Lunar eclipse forecast for all 12 signs!πŸ‘‡