Cosmic Insights
The 8th house and its sign give important information about our deepest-held traumas and fears. It shows how difficult experiences from our past cloud our judgment and unconsciously control our behavior in the present.
While the 8th house is a strong indicator of psychological health, placements...
Medical astrology is a fascinating way to understand the connections between physical and mental illness, overall health and wellness, and literally everything you encounter in your life.
From childhood trauma, emotional patterns, environmental influences, behaviors, major life events,...
Do you know how to use astrology to create more joy in your life?
Understand your Venus placement!
Venus earns its title as the Great Attractor in astrology by bringing elements together harmoniously. Venus is the lesser benefic planet, symbolizing love, money, pleasure, and beauty...
The upcoming Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn and Sagittarius begins on a BEAUTIFUL note! But then it does some STRANGE things that might throw a wrench or two into your holiday plans!
Mercury Retrograde will begin on December 13 with Mercury stationing in Capricorn in a beautiful...
By the end of March, our lives are going to look VERY different than they do today!! DRAMATIC changes are on the way this month because of the biggest, most significant astrological shifts of 2023! Not only are the inner planets moving very QUICKLY this month, but TWO...