Cosmic Insights

July 2023 Astro-Highlights: Upgrades and New Beginnings! astro-highlights astrology astrology forecast astrology highlights astrology with heather full moon in capricorn july 2023 lunar nodes new moon in cancer Jun 30, 2023

July is a BUSY month full of shakeups and significant energetic change! However, we ease into the new month with an absolutely beautiful and harmonious Full Moon in Capricorn on July 3. This rewarding Full Moon culminates hard work from past efforts that began in the previous New Moon cycle or...

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The Nodes Are Changing Signs, Bringing Karmic Endings and New Beginnings for Us All! 2018 astrology astro-highlights astrology astrology forecast astrology highlights astrology lessons astrology predictions astrology with heather cosmic insight extended forecast forecast hellenistic astrology learn astrology love astrology lunar nodes mercury in capricorn new moon in cancer north node south node traditional astrology zodiac tropical western astrology Nov 07, 2018


The lunar nodes are calculations that are primarily made to track and predict the eclipses, and in astrology these points in the chart have a special, karmic significance. In Western, tropical astrology, these karmic points are referred to as the North & South Nodes....

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