Cosmic Insights

How to Predict Your LUCKIEST Times: Understanding the Great Benefic in Transit!

Aug 11, 2023

We all know Jupiter is the Great Benefic planet, but what does that really mean?

It means that of all the astrological planets, Jupiter typically signifies things in our life that are objectively good. ​However, Jupiter's broader significations are luck, growth, and expansion!
​In transit, Jupiter can signify some kind of blessing or period of ease throughout an area of your life. However, Jupiter's ability to bestow blessings is highly dependent upon the sign Jupiter is transiting, which planets and houses its transiting in your chart, and of course, the strength of your natal Jupiter!
For example, Jupiter is exalted in Cancer and therefore has a much easier time granting blessings in this area of life, versus, the opposite sign of Capricorn, where Jupiter is at its fall.
Additionally, if Jupiter is transiting a particularly difficult house or planet in your chart, those difficulties could be amplified somehow. It all comes back to understanding your natal promise and not letting your expectations get overly elevated.
At the very least, Jupiter transits typically result in wisdom gained or blessing in disguise.
To learn more about Jupiter in transit, check out my in-depth tutorial below, Abundance, Opportunity & Blessings! Jupiter Transits to ALL 10 Planets! in Astrology!"