Cosmic Insights

Venus Retrograde in Capricorn November 5th 2021 to March 5th 2022 title banner with Heather Eland astrologer smiling, standing in front of an illuminated Venus

Venus will be in Capricorn for FOUR WHOLE MONTHS—this is a big deal!

astrology december 2021 february 2022 horoscope january 2022 march 2022 november 2021 retrograde planets venus in capricorn venus retrograde Nov 06, 2021

Venus JUST moved into Capricorn where it will be transiting for four. whole. months. 

This is a big deal.

Whichever house is occupied by Capricorn in your chart is about to undergo a four month period of pre-balancing, re-harmonizing and deep transformation.

This is because Venus will be going RETROGRADE this holiday season—an event that only occurs roughly once every 1.6 years!

Venus rules relationships and, when the planet of connection is moving backward in the skies, old relationships from the past may come back around to be revisited and new connections that are made are almost never what they seem to be. 

With Venus having a strong connection to our self-worth, hidden feelings of being unlovable, undesirable and unworthy of affection can creep to the surface for those who are being impacted more directly—use this time as an opportunity for healing.

With its on-again, off-again conjunction to Pluto and square to Eris, Venus will spend a great deal of time showing us very clearly what we truly need, want and desire in our relationships on a deep level.

After Venus finally goes direct in January, any connection that does not fit the bill will likely be purged, once-and-for-all.

Venus also rules finances and material pleasures—another sector that will be hit hard by this Venus retrograde period.

In general, Venus retrogrades are NOT optimal periods to pay top-dollar for luxury items. These are purchases you’ll later regret once Venus moves direct.

Venus retrograde periods, however; are excellent times for finding bargains or purchasing items that are used or in need of refurbishment.

On a broader scale, this could mark a time when the true volatility of the financial markets will be exposed. Venus will conjoin Pluto, mimicking the energy at the onset of the lockdowns and initial (albeit short lived) financial crisis that followed when Jupiter made its first conjunction with Pluto in Capricorn back in 2020.

With Uranus in Taurus still tightly squaring Saturn (and HEAVILY activated in November-March), the supply chain issues that have been hidden in plain sight all along may also be brought out into the open in an in-your-face sort of way.



To help you navigate this major astrological moment in time, I’ve created an extended 4-month forecast for Venus in Capricorn—including forecasts for all 12 Zodiac signs!





For those who are a bit more astrologically savvy, I've also created a comprehensive list of the BIGGEST planetary energies impacting us all during this four month Venus-in-Capricorn transit!


Venus Retrograde in Capricorn Timeline

November 5th, 2021: Venus enters Capricorn

November 18th, 2021: Venus enters pre-shadow period (11-26 degrees)

November 18th, 2021: Venus trine Uranus (12 degrees)

November 30th, 2021: Venus sextile Neptune (20 degrees)

December 11th, 2021: Venus conjunct Pluto (25 degrees)

December 19th, 2021: Venus pre-shadow period ends 

December 19th, 2021: Venus stations retrograde (26 degrees)

December 25th, 2021: Venus (rx) conjunct Pluto (25 degrees)

December 29th, 2021: Mercury conjunct Venus (rx) (24 degrees)

January 5th, 2022: Venus (rx) sextile Neptune (20 degrees)

January 8th, 2022: Sun conjunct Venus (rx)—Cazimi (18 degrees)

January 29th, 2022: Venus stations direct (11 degrees)

January 29th, 2022: Venus enters post-shadow period (11-26 degrees)

February 16th, 2022: Mars conjunct Venus (16 degrees)

February 24th, 2022: Venus sextile Neptune (22 degrees)

February 28th, 2022: Venus trine the North Node (25 degrees)

March 2nd, 2022: Venus post-shadow period ends

March 3rd, 2022: Venus conjunct Pluto (27 degrees)


March 5th, 2022: Venus enters Aquarius


I truly hope these resources will help you navigate one of the biggest, most important planetary energies in the transition from 2021 into 2022!