Cosmic Insights

🍎The 6th House Holds the KEY To Health!

Sep 16, 2023

Do you understand your sixth house?

You’re not alone if you don’t.


The sixth house is an area of the chart that is often ignored until we are sick (or maybe when we’re looking for a new job, as it is also the house of work and service)


Ignoring the 6th house until after we stop feeling our best is a mistake.


The 6th house impacts us EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.


Because it rules our health habits and daily routines, the sixth house dictates how we do nearly everything in our everyday lives.


This is especially the case when it comes to the way we take care of our bodies.


In astrology, the sixth house is key to living well and creating healthy habits.


Understanding this can be pivotal in helping us stick with healthy habits like eating good quality, nutritious foods or exercising regularly.


Alongside the Moon, the sixth house shows us essential information about our eating habits, food preferences, and nutritional needs.


Alongside Mars, the sixth house provides insight into the best types of exercise and movement for our bodies and tells us exactly what we need to stay motivated.


In the tutorial below, I break down by Rising sign everything you need to know to begin understanding your sixth house, including actionable information you can use immediately to improve your health and well-being. 


If you are ready for a deep dive into all 12 astrological houses, I have a GIFT for you! CLICK HERE to access my ENTIRE 12 Houses module for FREE for 10 days! Sneak a peek inside the Cosmic Academy of Astrology and access the lecture, PDFs, homework, quizzes, and BONUS lectures from this module!