Cosmic Insights

🌏Astrocartography Can Improve Your Life!🌏

Jul 07, 2023

What is astrocartography?? Astrocartogaphy is a predictive tool that allows us to understand the energy of a PLACE and the experience we will have in certain locations!

By studying the astrocartography map, you can begin to understand which energies in your birth chart are being highlighted and WHY you may be experiencing more challenge or ease within certain areas of your life based upon your location's energy!

The BEST part of learning about your astrocartography is that by CHANGING your location, you can help to highlight more beneficial areas of your life and negate some of the more problematic energies! Who wouldn't want that?! 

For example, perhaps you want to improve your relationships. You could relocate your chart to put a benefic planet, like Venus, on your Descendant. Or if you want to gain more recognition in your career, you could put your Sun on the MC! The possibilities are endless!

➡️Of course, everything depends on your specific planets and how well-aspected they are in your chart. In tutorial below, we dive much deeper into astrocartography and I teach you how to read the astrocartography map, PLUS give you some tips for how to relocate YOUR chart in order to THRIVE! 



AND if you are ready for focused MASTERY of Astrocartography so that you may truly help yourself and/or your clients improve their lives, CLICK HERE to get my relocation astrology mini-course, The Astrology of Place!