Cosmic Insights

January 2023 Astro-Highlights: All Systems GO!

Dec 31, 2022

January promises a dramatic shift in the energy, and finally, a period of forward momentum! For those who have been feeling stuck and craving change, all planets will officially go direct this month helping us to finally get moving in the direction we wish to go.

January begins with Venus entering the rebellious sign of Aquarius where it helps us to value our freedom and individuality! Additionally, we’ll learn important lessons around our worth when Venus conjoins Saturn in Aquarius and activates eclipse energies!

This energy is followed by an emotionally REWARDING Cancer Full Moon! The Full Moon in Cancer will come in like a breath of fresh air and all the hard work we’ve been doing since early 2021 with the Saturn Uranus square is FINALLY going to going to start feeling worth it!

The middle of the month is all about Mars, Mercury and Uranus stationing direct!  First up, is the highly anticipated station of Mars in Gemini! After its 4 month retrograde, many of us are ready to take the hard lessons we’ve learned and begin DOING something with the information! Next up will be Mercury, stationing direct in pragmatic Capricorn. Mercury’s retrograde has been gently helping us refine our biggest goals. With Mercury direct, we'll be ready to proceed with clarity!

The last planet to stationed to go direct is Uranus in Taurus, which occurs right around the time of the Aquarius New Moon! This is going to be an electrifying period of intense MENTAL energy! Many of us will experience a surprising turn of events or receive brilliant downloads that launch innovative new beginnings!

The month concludes with the magical energy of Venus entering Pisces! Venus, in the sign of her exaltation, will elevate all things Venusian, most especially love and deep soul connection as well as art and beauty!

Overall the month of January looks very inspiring and progressive, especially for those who have been challenged by the energies of the recent eclipses in Taurus and Scorpio and the ongoing Saturn/Uranus square!


Energy most challenging for Sun/Moon Rising in:  Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius, Pisces

Energy most positive for Sun/Moon/Rising in: Aries, Libra

Mixed energy for Sun/Moon/Rising in:  Cancer, Virgo, Sagittarius, Capricorn

Maximum intensity for Sun/Moon Rising in:  Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius



January 2nd, 2023: Venus Enters Aquarius

January 6th, 2023: Full Moon at 16° Cancer

January 12th, 2023: Mars Stations Direct at 8° Gemini

January 18th, 2023: Mercury Stations Direct at 8° Capricorn

January 20th, 2023: Sun Enters Aquarius

January 21st, 2023: New Moon at 1° Aquarius

January 22nd, 2023: Uranus Stations Direct at 14° Taurus

January 26th, 2022: Venus Enters Pisces



Venus Enters Aquarius

Exact on January 2nd, 2023 at 7:09pm MST

Active from January 2nd through January 26th, 2023 

Venus enters the Saturn-ruled sign of Aquarius today, bringing about a friendly, yet quirky and detached way of relating to other people. Friends move to the top of our priority list with Venus in Aquarius, as do social causes and humanitarian issues. Existing romantic relationships may find that a little more freedom and individuality during this time adds to the health of the partnership.

However, those seeking relationship may find a little luck in love and romance during this transit by getting out and about with groups of friends or by exploring the causes they are passionate about.

During this transit, Venus will trine a slow-moving Mars Rx in Gemini on the 9th, which is a very nice, social transit that can be great for meeting people and having excellent chemistry! Venus and Mars connecting harmoniously in Air signs can be great for communication and intellectual discussion as well flirting and fun.  

We’ll want to pay attention to events that occur when Venus moves onto square the Lunar Nodes in Taurus and Scorpio on January 11th, and then squares Uranus in Taurus on the 14th. These transits are activating eclipse energies and are initiating new challenges around issues that originally arose during our recent eclipse season. Since its Venus, this is likely to be something involving females, finances, relationships or our sense of self-worth. 

Additionally, Venus will conjunct Saturn in Aquarius on the 22nd, the same day Uranus stations direct! This will be a very interesting time period as well. Venus transiting Saturn restricts the pleasurable energy of Venus and this can leave us feeling a little melancholy, lonely or restricted financially. However, it’s important to remember that this conjunction marks a new cycle for Venus and Saturn. Whatever events come about as a result of this energy can be used as inspiration for more growth, stability and connection in the future.




Full Moon at 16° Cancer

Exact on January 6th at 4:08 pm MST

Most active January 2nd through January 10th, 2023

The Full Moon is in its nurturing home sign this month and forming a beautiful sextile to Uranus in Taurus! This is VERY GOOD for all, as it not only culminates the ambitious and lucky Capricorn New Moon from 2 weeks ago, but it also has a mitigating influence for the Fixed signs who have been the most affected by the intense eclipses in Taurus and Scorpio, as well as the tumultuous Saturn Uranus square.

The Saturn Uranus square has been ongoing since early 2021 with the energy of transiting Uranus in Taurus creating a deep sense of restlessness and an intense desire for more freedom and change. However, Saturn squaring this energy has only brought about more restrictions and roadblocks to the freedom we seek. In one way or another, we have all been forced to think outside-the-box the last few years and to pivot time and time again when it comes to the future we desire to create 

The good news is that the energy of the Saturn Uranus square is slowly breaking apart and being highlighted in a really harmonious way by the Cancer Full Moon. The Cancer Full Moon is likely to bring a feeling of relief and a sense of release from the restrictions that have held us back or left us feeling blocked for so long.

When the Moon in Cancer makes harmonious aspects, it’s all about strengthening our emotional security and receiving what the soul needs in order to feel truly nourished. If your needs have gone unmet over the last few years, this could be a time when we finally FEEL a sense of security and growth that allows us to be a little more vulnerable, trusting a newfound sense of stability.




Mars Stations Direct at 8° Gemini

January 12th, 2023 1:56pm MST

Mars is FINALLY stationing direct in Gemini where it has been transiting since August of 2022 and retrograde since October 2022! That’s a long time for a Mars transit in any one sign, but especially for the sign of Gemini, which likes to change and keep things moving!

As Mars has been moving through this Mutable Air sign it has been bringing up important lessons on multiple fronts of our lives. Gemini is the sign of the mind and communication. As Mars represents our will and physical vitality, for many this energy has been shining a light on our mental health and how much it truly impacts our physical health and our ability to communicate effectively.  

Mars in Gemini is typically very passionate, intelligent and curious. However, Mars retrograde in Gemini has shown many of us where we have been spreading ourselves too thin and where we are in desperate need of scaling back in order to move forward successfully. Additionally, this transit has had Mars repeatedly squaring Neptune in Pisces, an energy that can leave us feeling very confused or lethargic.

As Mars stations to move forward, this may be a time when that physical vitality and passion returns. Those who have been hit hard with this energy may start feeling charged up again! However, Mars’ energy is intensified throughout this time. Mars in Gemini can have a sharp tongue so watch what you say if you feel aggravated. It’s important to be mindful of any anger or tension we may have been holding onto and be especially careful not to release it onto innocent bystanders. Additionally intense Mars energy can lead to accidents, so be very careful as you go about your day, and as this is Gemini, be extra careful driving!

Through the next month, Mars will move slowly through Gemini and make one final square to Neptune in Pisces. Look back to the when these transits occurred the first two times as this final pass is likely to bring a conclusion to situations that have already come up!

Mars Squares to Neptune in Pisces

October 11th, 2022

November 19th, 2022

March 14th, 2023




Mercury Stations Direct at 8°Capricorn

January 18th 2023 at 6:12am MST

Active from January 18th through February 11th, 2023

After 3 weeks in the pragmatic sign of Capricorn, Mercury stations direct. Mercury retrogrades are not an ideal time for beginning anew, rather, this is a period of revisiting old ideas and projects in order to revise and revamp them. Mercury retrogrades are the cosmic green light to take a break and recharge our bodies, but most importantly our minds.

As we move through the Winter Solstice and the New Year, this Mercury retrograde in Capricorn has been a period of deep mental rest and reflection upon our greatest goals and aspirations. With Mercury making mostly harmonious aspects throughout this time, it allowed for a little more ease to do so. Now that our goals have been refined, it is time to proceed forward into action. We may now feel a little more energized and inspired to take the next steps.




Sun Enters Aquarius

January 20th , 2023 at 1:29am MST

Active from January 20th through February 18th, 2023

Happy Aquarius Season and happy Solar Return to the Aquarius readers out there! The Sun enters the rebellious and cerebral sign of Aquarius today bringing a strong desire to go against the grain and to be recognized for our intellect and eccentricities. The Sun through Aquarius is in detriment, making it a “cool” place to be since the warmth of the Sun is under the rulership of restrictive Saturn.

Aquarians need lots of space and freedom. They naturally go against the grain, and yet, they are quite known for their friendly, but often distant or aloof nature. This is a paradoxical energy for many reasons, including their unique ability to view life through the eyes of the collective while living life on their own terms. They will never going against their ideals or allow themselves to conform to societal norms that don't make sense to them. Aquarius is a revolutionary energy that reminds us to rebel or to be disruptive when necessary in consideration of the good of all! This is an excellent time for connecting with friends since the Sun through enigmatic Aquarius lights up when in groups or when engaged in strange or "out there" conversations

This Aquarius season is exciting because we will soon see all planets direct giving us a new sense of motivation and momentum like we have not felt for months!  Like Venus before it, the Sun in Aquarius will trine Mars in Gemini, square Uranus in Taurus, square the Lunar Nodes in Taurus and Scorpio, and finally, conjunct Saturn in Aquarius. The Sun trine Mars will be a highly energized and ambitious time when when we may find ourselves finally able to take action toward goals that we've had for some time. The trine to Mars occurs a day after the Sun squares the Lunar Nodes, which means the actions we take could be sparked by the karmic events that arise due to this square.

The Suns square to Uranus in Taurus will stir up our restlessness and intense desire for more freedom. However, just a few days following, we’ll feel the oppressive energy of the Sun conjunct Saturn. Take care under this energy to be proactive about the things that bring you joy since the Sun conjunct Saturn can feel quite heavy, as though we carry the weight of the world or that our goals are a million miles away. Although the energy of this transit can feel weighty, it begins a new Sun/Saturn cycle that ultimately helps to remind us of the value of hard work, perseverance and of doing things the right way on our paths toward success.




New Moon at 1° Aquarius

January 21st, 2023 at 1:53pm MST

Most active from January 17th through January 24th, 2023

We have an electrifying New Moon and another hopeful new beginning, this time in the area of our lives ruled by Aquarius. This New Moon forms a harmonious sextile to Jupiter in Aries making this a time that is all about opportunities arising and striking while the iron is hot. 

The sign of Aquarius is co-ruled by both Saturn in Traditional astrology and Uranus in Modern. This seemingly odd planetary pairing is reflected in the quality of Fixed Air. While Air is free flowing reflecting the Uranian higher mind, there is also the more rigid energy of Saturn, reflected in the Fixed nature of this sign and giving Aquarius its paradoxical nature.

At its highest, Aquarius energy can help us unify one another, while remaining true to ourselves. It is the “genius” energy that can help us to pull new and unconventional ideas from the ethers and move us toward a more innovative and ideal future.

With the sextile to Jupiter in Aries, the New Moon in Aquarius is likely to be an excitable time when opportunities arise to take action upon our goals and aspirations. On its own, Jupiter in Aries brings a high level of enthusiasm, but with Mercury and Mars both newly direct, and Uranus, Aquarius’ modern ruler stationing to go direct the day after the New Moon, the energy of excitement is going to be amplified a great deal throughout this time. We could be in for many strange occurrences and surprises throughout this New Moon!

Be very mindful throughout this time and practice grounding since the high level of mental energy can feel erratic and unpredictable, leaving many of us buzzing, anxious and reactive.




Uranus Station Direct at 14° Taurus

January 22nd, 2023 at 3:59pm MST

Active from January 22nd through August 28th, 2023

Uranus has been transiting Taurus, bringing uncertainty and instability to an area of our lives that we have counted on to remain stable. However, we must remember that Uranian transits, though chaotic and unpredictable, are also about aligning us more closely to our sense of personal freedom. Uranus is also referred to as The Liberator and The Great Awakener, but it does so by first making us aware of the chains that bind us. Uranus creates an intense restlessness and a deep internal urge for change. With Taurus, this has to do with our resources. For many, this transit is disrupting our resources and stirring up the urge to be more self-reliant. 

Anytime a planet stations, its energy becomes amplified. With Uranus, the energy around this time could feel very strange and erratic! The lines between excitement and anxiety will be blurred and we could find our mind’s racing with ideas about the future. Uranus is the planet of surprises and this could be a time when events happen out-of-the-blue that change everything! As it stations in Taurus today, it could be that we have a major breakthrough in our resources or even receive news that acts as a wake up call!




Venus Enters Pisces

January 26th, 2023 at 7:33pm MST

Active from January 26th through February 20th, 2023

When Venus enters Pisces, the sign of her exaltation, Venus’ qualities are heightened and we’ll find ourselves feeling a little bit more loving and compassionate when we are relating to others. Venus in Pisces is romantically dreamy and places great value on artistic beauty as well as romantic poetry. Venus will make a series of aspects in this sign, and overall, this will be a deeply loving and highly creative energy!

Venus in Pisces will first square Mars in Gemini on the 4th of February, just prior to the Leo Full Moon. Venus square Mars is incredibly passionate and if put to good use, this energy can be an exceptionally creative time! However, there is the potential for tension here as these two planets can get a little mixed up when in these Mutable energies. While Gemini and Pisces are both dualistic in nature, Gemini is mental energy whereas Pisces is more emotional. During this brief period when Venus squares Mars, we may have to work a little harder to see eye to eye within our relationships.

Venus will then move onto make mostly harmonious aspects, including a sextile to Uranus, a sextile to Pluto and a conjunction to Neptune in Pisces!

The sextile to Uranus on the 7th of February will be a brief period when we’ll feel like shaking things up in relationships! This could also be a time when we receive new opportunities to make money in a creative way.

The conjunction to Neptune on February 15th is a beautiful energy! Venus in Pisces is already a magical, ethereal energy, but with Neptune in the mix, many of us are likely to feel like we are in a dream. This energy is fantastic for meditation, visualization and for connecting with Spirit.

Venus will then sextile Pluto in Capricorn, bringing a level of depth to this romantic energy and a desire to merge souls with one another. For many, the sextile to Pluto could also indicate an opportunity to heal from a deep soul level.  



Written by Stephanie Weiss, edited by Heather and the Astrology with Heather team