Cosmic Insights

June 2022 Astro-Highlights: Enthusiasm Ignited!

May 31, 2022

Throughout the month of June we will experience a number of dramatic energy shifts, both helpful and exciting as well as challenging, and this looks to be a time when we may feel as if we have had a fire lit under us, pushing us to move on the things in our lives that we have left on the back burner for too long. We begin the month of June with the Sun in inquisitive and social Gemini, however the late Spring air may feel a bit heavier than usual as we enter June with the energy of Mercury stationing to go direct in Taurus conjunct the “Demon Star” Algol while engaging Saturn in a tight square just as Saturn stations to go retrograde in Aquarius. This is tense energy that could bring an unwanted reality check into our lives or even just plain old bad news.

The good news is Mercury soon moves on and begins its third and final discerning to trine Pluto in Capricorn before finally moving back into its home sign of Gemini! This energy occurs alongside the crackling and unpredictable conjunction of Venus and Uranus in Taurus, an energy that will undoubtedly bring surprises in the area of finance and relationships! Both of these important transits build up and lead us straight into the strange and nebulous Sagittarius Full Moon, a time when we may think we’ve gained some perspective, only to learn it was just an illusion.

The days following the Full Moon in Sagittarius are quite dynamic with Venus conjunct the North Node in Taurus and the Sun in Gemini trine to Saturn in Aquarius yet square to Neptune in Pisces. Venus then moves quickly into the very same territory of the Mercury station on June 3rd, following the path Mercury laid out with first a square Saturn in Aquarius and then creating a trine to Pluto in Capricorn. These energies all blend together and create a bit of a hot spot in the middle of the month that is quite potent and could regenerate some of the topics that came up through last month’s eclipse season.

The last ten days of the month roll in like an ocean wave, both refreshing and exciting, but potentially a little disorienting. The Sun enters the Moon’s domain of Cancer just as Venus enters her most flirty place, the sign of Gemini. The mystical planet Neptune then stations for its reflective 5 month retrograde in its home sign of Pisces. The month then closes with an optimistic (potentially overly optimistic,) New Moon in Cancer square to Jupiter, which looks to be really lovely time if we can maintain a sense of grounding and perspective.



Energy most positive for Sun/Moon/Rising in:  Aries

Energy most challenging for Sun/Moon/Rising in:Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius

Mixed energy for Sun/Moon/Rising in:  Gemini, Cancer, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Pisces

Maximum intensity for Sun/Moon Rising in:  Aries, Taurus, Cancer



June 3rd, 2022: Mercury Stations Direct at 26° of Taurus

June 4th, 2022: Saturn Stations Retrograde at 25° of Aquarius

June 10th, 2022: Mercury Trine Pluto from Taurus to Capricorn

June 11th, 2022: Venus Conjunct Uranus at 16° of Taurus

June 13th, 2022: Mercury Re-Enters Gemini

June 14th, 2022: Full Moon at 23° of Sagittarius

June 16th, 2022: Venus Conjunct the North Node at 22° Taurus

June 16th, 2022: Sun Trine Saturn from Gemini to Aquarius

June 16th, 2022: Sun Square Neptune from Gemini to Pisces

June 18th, 2022: Venus Square Saturn from Taurus to Aquarius

June 21st, 2022: Venus Trine Pluto from Taurus to Capricorn

June 21st, 2022: Sun Enters Cancer

June 22nd, 2022: Venus Enters Gemini

June 28th, 2022: Neptune Stations Retrograde at 25° of Pisces

June 28th, 2022: Sun Square Jupiter from Cancer to Aries

June 28th, 2022:  New Moon in 7° Cancer




Mercury Stations Direct at 26° of Taurus

Exact on June 3rd, 2022 at 2:00am MDT

Active June 3rd through September 9th, 2022

Mercury finally stations direct today! This has been a powerful retrograde season that has coincided with the eclipses and with Mercury making mostly positive alignments throughout this time. However, the very end of the Mercury retrograde cycle energy is quite challenging as Mercury is not only stationed in square to Saturn in Aquarius, but this occurs just as Saturn is stationing to go retrograde. It is also important to note that Mercury is now activating the same degrees of the chart where the Total Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio occurred just a few weeks ago.

Whatever came up for you at the Lunar Eclipse is potentially coming up again in some way. If new opportunities or responsibilities arose for you with the eclipse energies, this may be a time when it feels like there is a lot of pressure mentally or it could be a heaviness or sense of restriction with regard to our communications. This could also be a period when we receive challenging news and experience a feeling of defeat or pessimism.

Mercury rules many of the things that keep our day to day running smoothly and a square to Saturn is a challenging energy that forces us to slow down. Mercury squaring Saturn can indicate literal roadblocks that come up to keep us from accomplishing much at all around this time.

The good news is that Saturn can offer a reality check that is much needed if we have been trying to push forward in some area of life that is just not ready to proceed. Use the energy of the square from Mercury to Saturn to be very discerning in your thinking and create a thorough plan before proceeding forward. It is also good idea throughout this period to make sure to find time for the things in life that help to lift your thinking as well.




Saturn Stations Retrograde at 25° Aquarius

Exact on June 4th at 3:47pm MDT

Active from June 4th through October 23rd, 2022

Saturn in Aquarius is stationing to go retrograde today in a square to Mercury, which is currently stationed direct in Taurus. When planets station, their energies seem amplified and the themes that the planet(s) represent can seem exaggerated in our lives throughout this period.

Mercury is in a very strange part of the Zodiac, closely opposing the degrees of the Blood Moon in Scorpio from a few weeks ago as well as conjunct the fixed star Algol. In astrology, Algol is known as the “Demon Star” and is associated with very difficult and dark things.  

A square between Mercury and Saturn is already difficult energy that can bring setbacks, bad news or difficult communications, but because both of these planets are stationary, their energies are intensified. Add the potential stubbornness or “digging in the heels” of the fixed energies as well as the ominous energy of Algol, and this could make whatever news comes about around this time feel very thick and insurmountable. However, it is important to note that Mercury is also closely trine to Pluto and will come exact in just a few days time. This tells us not to lose heart and that the potential for transformation is before us when we persevere. 

As Saturn stations to go retrograde, Saturnian themes will be brought to the fore of our lives. Saturn represents authority figures, fatherly figures, career matters as well as the important foundational structures of our lives. We may notice throughout the days to come that our workload increases or that our responsibilities in life become heavier or more prominent in some way. 

We'll also be reviewing Saturn’s transit of Aquarius, especially the degrees traversed since October 11, 2021 when Saturn stationed direct at 6 degrees of Aquarius. You’ll recall that Saturn’s transit of Aquarius has mostly been in an intense square to Uranus in Taurus. Saturn’s transit of Aquarius and prolonged square to Uranus in Taurus has brought a stop and go feeling over the last year and a half with regard to Aquarian/Uranian topics, such as internet and social groups. We’ve continued to see a back and forth between restrictions and structure versus freedom and liberation of the internet and social groups and these themes will likely come up for review throughout Saturn’s almost 5 month retrograde which ends in one final square to Uranus.




Mercury Trine Pluto from Taurus to Capricorn

Exact on June 10th at3:22am MDT

Active from June 8th through June 12th, 2022

Mercury’s third and final trine to Pluto is much anticipated at this point as it indicates a moment of wrapping something up with an intense focus, discernment and a clear sense of direction after Mercury’s three week retrograde cycle and intense square to Saturn. This energy indicates a period of transformation with regard to our thinking and it may be around this time that we gain a deeper understanding of the events that have occurred throughout this period as Mercury is now able to able to offer a more focused mindset and clearer communication.




Venus Conjunct Uranus at 16° Taurus

Exact on June 11th, 2022 at 4:57pm MDT

Active from June 8th through June June 14th, 2022

Venus conjunct Uranus is a very strange and unpredictable energy. Venus represents our love language and when conjunct Uranus, it can give us an awkward or unpredictable way of relating to others. Those born with this placement do not do well with monotonous or conventional relationships but rather need a degree of spontaneity and excitement as well as someone who adores their uniqueness.

In transit, this energy can bring about surprising circumstances with regard to our personal finances and shocking upheavals within our close relationships, such as sudden attractions to unusual people or Uranian people.

This is going to be a very interesting time as Venus activates Uranus after the eclipses that have recently occurred in Taurus and Scorpio. This activation may initiate a time when the way we earn money or the way we think about money and finances changes dramatically and begins moving in an unusual way. This will also be an interesting time to keep watch over the world stage with regard to financial systems!




Mercury Re-enters Gemini

Exact on June 13th, 2022 at 9:27am MDT

Active from June 13th through July 5th, 2022

Mercury finally re-enters its home sign today where it is no longer in the sign-based square to Saturn. This is a very good thing and it will likely feel like things are finally loosening up and make some sense. Mercury in Gemini is a very strong mental energy that is curious about a multitude of subjects and one that can certainly have us trying our hand at just about everything.

The closer Mercury gets to being in sextile Jupiter in Aries, the more we could find ourselves VERY excited about a lot of different things. Gemini energy isn’t necessarily about finding mastery in one area, rather it is more about learning through exploration and communication. Throughout this time it seems as though enthusiastically following your curiosity and seeing where it takes you is the things to do.

Even though Mercury is still in its shadow phase for just a little longer, being back in Gemini makes this a much more conducive time for having the important communications that you may have been delaying due to the Mercury retrograde. The sextile to Jupiter will assist in this by giving a more positive outlook on a situation as well as increasing the likelihood that you can come to an agreement over something.




Full Moon at 23° Sagittarius

Exact on June 14th, 2022 at 5:52am MDT

Active from June 8th through June 20th, 2022

The Full Moon in Sagittarius takes us out of the rational mind of Gemini and into more of an eagle eye perspective, where we see the whole picture instead of the individual parts. With the Gemini we need facts whereas with Sagittarius need truth, are they one and the same? This is the infinite back and forth between these two polarities. Sagittarius wants to get beyond the day to day and into understanding the deeper, more spiritual meaning of this human experience and this is why this sign balances Gemini so nicely and is thought to be a bit of a loner as well as philosopher.

The Moon in the Mutable Fire sign of Sagittarius is an independent, adventurous, jovial and resilient, that makes us want to learn what is true for ourselves by getting us out of our comfort zones and into the world to EXPLORE and learn what is true through our own experience.

This Full Moon may feel even more spiritually expanded than the moon might normally feel through the sign of Sagittarius as this one forms a T-square to Neptune in Pisces. With a T-square to Neptune, this may be a time when as our Gemini New Moon intentions reach culmination, we may be presented with BIG life questions, some that have no answers, at least none we can come to here in this life. The T-square to Neptune could also have us feeling very sensitized emotionally, overwhelmed in some way or perhaps just feeling a bit lost or confused by a current situation in our lives.

The good news is that the Sagittarius Full Moon forms a sextile to Saturn in Aquarius. This is actually a really nice energy that will greatly negate the square to Neptune by providing grounding and a sense of direction as we move through these energies. This sextile to Saturn also indicates that at this time it is our responsibilities that will be providing much needed balance.

Also at this time Mercury in Gemini is moving into a nice little sextile to Jupiter in Aries. This is a lovely energy for this Full Moon, especially as Jupiter is the dispositor. Mercury sextile Jupiter is an energy that provides positive thoughts and outlook as well as a sense of direction which will, again, assist to negate the energy of the square to Neptune. Mercury is still in the post-shadow phase of its retrograde so you might look back to Mercury's first sextile to Jupiter which first occurred on the 19th of May as this is likely to be the next phase of a recurring energy.




Sun Trine Saturn from Gemini to Aquarius

Exact on June 16th, 2022 1:13am MDT

Active from June 14th through June 18th, 2022

The Sun in trine to Saturn is an incredibly responsible and hardworking energy and those born with this placement have a strong sense of authority about them as well as an innate sense of duty. This particular transit, the Sun in Gemini trine to Saturn in Aquarius, however is altered significantly by another powerful transit occurring alongside-which is the Sun square to Neptune in Pisces.

The Sun trine to Saturn is still a welcomed energy after all the stress that Saturn has been involved in over the past few months and this may be a time when we experience recognition or reward for hard work we’ve put into something previously. However it could be that the energy from the square to Neptune dissolves in some way the sense of accomplishment we might otherwise feel over such reward.

Both Saturn and the Sun represent prominent male/fatherly figures in our lives implying that this could be a time when those figures receive some sort of karmic reward in their own lives.




Venus Conjunct the North Node at 22° Taurus

Exact on June 16th, 2022 at 3:46am

Active from June 14th through June 18th, 2022

We have yet ANOTHER eclipse activation and this time it’s Venus! Venus in Taurus makes a conjunction to the North Node today and it acts as a powerful, catalyzing influence to help us break out of the monotony of whatever area of our lives is ruled by Taurus. It could be around this time that we are set on a new path regarding our finances and/or relationships in such a way that feels destined and meant to be, although, it could also feel a little turbulent or scary with the energy of the North Node.

The North Node propels us forward into uncharted waters, and it could be around this time we discover a new and exciting way to generate income or or find ourselves magnetized to someone new, who feels is destined to be a significant part of our lives!




Sun Square Neptune from Gemini to Pisces

Exact on June 16th, 2022 at 7:41am MDT

Active from June 14th through June 18th, 2022 

The Sun square Neptune is a tricky energy to navigate as it can create a bit of delusion or confusion around one’s sense of self or one’s sense of purpose. Neptune is elusive in the way its energy is experienced and under this energy something can be happening right under our noses but we don’t know it’s happened until the energy has fully passed. In astrology Neptune also represents our intuitive energies. In a square with the Sun, it can throw our intuition off or confuse us with an ominous feeling that something bad is going to happen that never actually happens.

Neptune’s influence has a way of making us vulnerable and a little too trusting. Anytime there is a difficult aspect with Neptune it is very important to stay rooted in what is real and not allow yourself to be swept away by a feeling. The Sun’s trine to Saturn throughout this time is assisting in giving us something solid to hold onto.




Venus Square Saturn from Taurus to Aquarius

Exact on June 18th at 3:32pm MDT

Active from June 16th through June 20th, 2022 

Venus square Saturn is a challenging aspect that can leave us feeling heavy, gloomy or discouraged in some way. Both of these planets currently transit their home signs giving them strength, however Saturn’s influence is stronger and his energy is restrictive over Venus. Throughout the next few days you may notice a bit of tension, restriction, seriousness or delay with regard to Venusian topics, such a relationships and finances. This could be a time when you to need to sit down with a partner and discuss a serious budget or perhaps something romantic needs to be delayed because of work This energy is not the end of the world, and although it is not that much fun, if it is used wisely it can set you up for more gratification and deeper satisfaction and passion down the line, (which could be closer than you think with Venus’ upcoming trine to Pluto.)




Venus Trine Pluto from Taurus to Capricorn

Exact on June 21st, 2022 at 2:23am MDT

Active from June 19th through June 23rd, 2022

Venus trine Pluto is an energy of intense passion and those born with this placement love with all of their being! Venus is in her domicile, the sensual sign of Taurus and therefore the trine to Pluto could have us feeling very embodied and heightened sexually. It could also be that around this time we find ourselves laser focused upon attaining our desires, whether those desires be another person or simply an object we have set our sights upon, it may feel like nothing can stop us from having it. 

Venus and Pluto both have associations with finances which indicates this could be a time when there is a positive transformation in the way feel about our money. This is a really nice energy to take hold of as it indicates a sense of devotion to what you love.




Sun Enters Cancer

Exact on June 21st, 2022 at 3:14am MDT

Active from June 21st through July 22nd, 2022

Happy Solar Return to the Cancer readers out there! Those with the Sun in Cancer are the intuitive nurturers and caretakers of the Zodiac, with big sensitive hearts that get sealed up tightly when they are hurt. Cancer is an energy that is often hard to read because these people tend to have such a changeable mood. However it is important to understand that this water sign is highly empathic and ruled by the waxing and waning Moon which rules the emotions and intuition. When Cancer senses that something is off, they don’t always know how they know, they just know and instinctively turn away in order to protect themselves.

The Sun’s transit through this Moon-ruled sign marks our summer Solstice here in the northern hemisphere and it looks to be a fairly interesting transit with the the Sun soon to square Jupiter and Mars in Aries and as well as the Sun’s intense yearly opposition to Pluto. This indicates a dynamic time that may have us feeling very determined to transform our lives in some way and maybe even a little overzealous in how we go about it.




Venus Enters Gemini

Exact on June 22nd, 2022 at 6:34pm MDT

Active from June 22nd through July 17th, 2022

Venus in Gemini is a fun and flirty placement for Venus and when it comes to romance, these people are quite skilled at turning on the charm when they’re curiosity has been peaked. Venus in Gemini natives are skilled in the art of communication, and in relationship, open communication is absolutely key for these people to feel satisfied. Venus in Gemini also indicates that one might have dual-income streams or be multi-talented in some way.

This particular transit of Venus is going to be fairly nice as Venus will form the first sextile to Jupiter since the two planets conjoined at the Solar Eclipse in Taurus on April 30th. That was an incredibly auspicious eclipse and whatever was set in motion at that time could now begin showing some kind of progress or reward. Venus will also trine Saturn during this transit, which again indicates hard work paying off.




Neptune Stations Retrograde at 25° Pisces

Exact on June 28th, 2022 at 1:55am MDT

Active from June 28th through December 3rd, 2022

Neptune stations retrograde in its home sign at 25 degrees of Pisces and as a planet stations, the energies of that planet and the themes that planet represents become more noticeable.  However, Neptune stationing is a much more subtle energy than the other planets and may go by unnoticed by many, but for those who are more sensitized, it can be felt as a strange or eerie feeling that looms over everything. 

Neptune rules intuition and spirituality and this could most certainly be a time when intuition is heightened and the veils are thinned. However Neptune rules many things, including illusion, delusion and deceit making this a time to be very mindful of the energies you are taking in and make sure that you are grounded in reality.




Sun Square Jupiter from Cancer to Aries

Exact on June 28th, 2022 at 6:59pm MDT

Active from June 26th through June 30th, 2022

The Sun squaring Jupiter is an energy occurring alongside the New Moon and it is one to be enjoyed, but it’s important to remember to keep a healthy perspective on our sense of self throughout this time. Jupiter connecting with the Sun is a super-optimistic energy and can be lucky under certain circumstances. However, what Jupiter is doing is expanding on the naturally vibrant energy of the Sun, which can have us feeling overly confident or lucky when that may not necessarily be the reality of things in the moment.

This is a time when you’ll want to remember that this transit is occurring in square to the Cancer New Moon. It would be very helpful to keep your expectations in check and be extra mindful of how much you are spending or indulging as the Sun square Jupiter can indicate feeling extravagant, with or without the means to be so.





New Moon at 7° of Cancer

Exact on June 28th, 2022 at 8:52pm MDT

Active from June 22nd through July 4th, 2022

The New Moon in Cancer looks to be very enthusiastic, deeply passionate and highly energized, but it could be around this time that we find that we are our own worst enemy! The New Moon at 7 degrees of Cancer occurs in an EXACT square to Jupiter in Aries! Squares to and from Jupiter tend to indicate OVER-doing something and in this case, it may be over-exaggerating our sense of self, aka our ego! Being that this is a New Moon in emotional Cancer, our feelings could be quite BIG and intense throughout this time as well.

The good news is that the New Moon squaring Jupiter can be exaggerated positive feelings and while this may not seem like a bad thing, the potential within this energy is so elated that it takes us out of a balanced or grounded state and vulnerable to let down or unmet expectations.

There is another energy to be mindful of during this New Moon phase and that is Mars in Aries beginning to square Pluto in Capricorn. Mars square Pluto is extremely driven, and can even be aggressively so. Combined with the energy of the Cancer New Moon, we could find ourselves being a little, or a lot EXTRA when it comes to whatever our enthusiasm centers around.

It is good to find outlets throughout this period that can help us release our energy in ways that are healthy and productive because while these energies are not forming a t-square by degree, they are by sign and it is therefore still very tricky energy to navigate. Mars square Pluto carries the potential for outbursts of anger and even violence and so while the New Moon energy itself can be channeled into something exciting, if left unchecked we could find ourselves  flying off the handle and regretting it or on the receiving end of someone else losing it having to pick up the pieces.

Overall and most simply stated, this energy is a LOT. What we do with it and how it unfolds in time really depends on our level of mindfulness.