Cosmic Insights


cosmic insight Aug 15, 2017

As we head deeper into the Eclipse Season, tensions continue to mount on the global stage— especially here in the United States. Unfortunately, it seems as though this is just the beginning, and the energy will intensify before it comes to a point of release. The reason I'm telling you this is not to instill fear, quite the contrary— I’m telling you this instill truth and to help us all to better understand energy we’re facing. 

GaiamTV recently aired a series featuring Greg Braden, a scientist, scholar and New York Times best selling author, in which it was explained that periods of global turbulence and periods of relative peace move through cycles, and right now we are coming to the peak of intensity within a variety of rather turbulent cycles. What was also pointed out was the fact that these periods of global turbulence bring with them massive shifts in consciousness, astonishing new innovations, and important periods of social progress.

On an individual level, these cycles tend to play out in a similar fashion. As human beings, we often require periods of great turbulence in order to initiate the change in our lives we've been craving all along. For many of us, this is one of those periods. 

While the astrology for the eclipse on August 21st may actually be quite nice for most of us on an individual level, with change comes inevitable discomfort. Change is never stress-free, and progress rarely comes from dwelling within our comfort zones. We are all being called to stretch far beyond what comes easy to us in order to forge a new path that is in alignment with what or hearts truly desire. Walking this new path requires courage, and it requires us to step up and allow our light to shine brightly for all to see. It also requires us to care much less about other people's opinions of our actions.


In looking at the chart for the Solar Eclipse on August 21st, we can see that a really lovely grand fire trine supports the energy of the eclipse. In conjunction with Mars, the Solar Eclipse in Leo requires us to take new, decisive action in alignment with what our hearts truly desire to create in this world. Doing so will allow us to move forward with greater authenticity, generosity, and compassion. In trine with Uranus, the new path we’re beginning to take will gently shake us out of our comfort zones, instigating important change that’s very much needed in all of our lives. With Saturn in the mix, we’ll be easily able to ground and solidify this new energy into a practical new structure that is in alignment with our integrity along with our most expansive long-term goals. 

While the energy of this eclipse will peak in intensity on and around August 21st, it is important to note that many of the most important developments seeded throughout the Eclipse Season will likely continue to unfold throughout the month of September. The first week of September is particularly important, as Mars will be hovering over the eclipse point on September 3rd, followed by Mercury, which will station direct at 28 degrees in Leo on September 5th. A lot of this eclipse energy will be amplified and revisited at this time, and Mercury in the mix can work to create mishaps and imbue greater clarity about the new beginnings that are in the process of manifesting in each of our lives.   

Solar Eclipses always occur at the time of the New Moon, indicating powerful new beginnings in the area of our lives being touched by this eclipse! Below you will find a breakdown of the influence of the Leo Eclipse by Rising or Sun Sign (it’s best to read for both if you can). Enjoy! ☺


The Eclipse on August 21st will fall in your 5th house, the house that is naturally ruled by the sign of Leo. The 5th house rules children, hobbies, passions, romance, things that we truly love, our sense of purpose, and creative self-expression. Now is a time when new beginnings can be found in relationship to each of these themes. This could mean a renewal of romance in your current relationships, or a fated encounter with a new flame. It could be a change in your attitude toward children or a strengthening of your relationship with children you already have. This could also be an important time when your passions are ignited, causing you to jump head-first into new creative projects. This is also the house that rules entrepreneurs, so if you are someone who has thought of starting your own business, this Eclipse could provide the spark you’ve needed to get the ball rolling!


This Eclipse will fall into your 4th house of the home and family, creating powerful new beginnings involving your roots, family life, home and property. If you’ve been thinking about moving or buying a home, now is a time when you may decide to make the leap! This could also involve letting go of an old living situation in order to create something more in alignment with what your heart desires. Seeing as this is Eclipse is in Leo, the sign that holds rulership over children, and that it falls in your 4th house, this could be a time when a new member is unexpectedly added to your family. You may also find yourself with a new pet, or your family dynamics may become altered in some new way. 


With this Eclipse in your 3rd house, the energy is focused on your day-to-day communication, community, and immediate environment. Now is a time when you may decide to go back to school to learn a new trade, or you may become a more prominent figure in your community. You may find yourself with new neighbors, or encountering strange, seemingly fated and synchronous communications with those around you. Whatever the case, this energy will require you to take action and communicate in a way that is more vulnerable, connected, and heart-felt. 


In your 2nd house, this powerful Solar Eclipse indicates a new beginning in the area of your finances and material wealth! While there may be some turbulence at the onset, chances are you’re about to hit the reset button when it comes to managing your money, with the potential to latch on to new methods for accumulating wealth. This could indicate an unexpected change in your job title, or a promotion or career move that helps you to increase your financial status in a way that will ultimately bring many benefits in the long run. 


Leo! This Solar Eclipse is all about YOU! This Eclipse may bring powerful new beginnings in all areas of life stemming from a re-invention of self. You may feel compelled at this time to change your image and reinvent your self in some way, ultimately allowing you to stand more proudly in your truth and authenticity. This is a time of bold, courageous new developments for you that, despite a bit of disruption and intensity, will ultimately prove beneficial. This is a major time of manifestation when your creative self-expression can spark some much-needed change in your close relationships, home and family life, as well as your career!


The Solar Eclipse in your 12th house is all about endings— clearing out the old in order to make space for new beginnings. It also rules secrets, places that are hidden away, foreign travel, mysticism, dreams, and the realm of archetype. This is an excellent time for you to pay close attention to your dreams! The eclipse on the 21st does require action, because it is in conjunction with Mars, but because it is hidden away in your 12th house, the energy of Mars may be suppressed, which expresses its self as a suppression of will and lack of energy needed to take proper action. This will lift mid-September, and I highly recommend waiting at least until then before starting something completely new!


The Solar Eclipse in Leo will fall in your 11th house of friends, philanthropy, and social rewards. Now is a time when you may meet what many refer to as the “soul family”— a group of like-minded people who truly “get” you on a deep and profound level. This is an excellent time to seek out creative people who share your passion and deeply held beliefs about the world. This eclipse may also spark an interest in humanitarian causes or charity work, as Leo is a sign often associated with generosity! The 11th house also rules over the rewards and recognition we receive for the efforts we put forth in our careers, which indicates that this may be a time when you seek out or receive praise for your work.


With the Eclipse in your 10th house, is an incredibly important time for new developments in your career! Whether you’re seeking out an entirely new career path or taking your current work to the next level, now is your time to shine! It’s important to be courageous and authentic in all of your interactions, especially when it comes to your work! If you’re working for someone else, now might be a time when you choose to break free to become your own boss. This can also be a time when you receive some sort of recognition or important promotion! Whatever the case may be, the reverberations of these powerful new beginnings will instigate changes in your career, relationships, and your home & family life, so be prepared!


The Eclipse on August 21st will be in your 9th house— this is YOUR house Sagittarius! Now is the time to initiate a new adventure, explore new, more expansive philosophies and belief systems, seek out a new teacher, or to enroll yourself in a higher-education program! At the very least, this is a time when you’ll find a renewed sense of meaning and purpose within your life that compels you to expand your mind focus on the bigger picture. 


The Solar Eclipse in your 8th house is all about power. This influence shows you where you’ve been giving too much of your power away from others and allows for intense new beginnings that will ultimately leave you feeling more empowered! While this placement may feel psychologically and emotionally difficult, whatever is revealed to us throughout this eclipse season will allow you to see the Truth at the core of the issues that arise in order to cut necessary cords and take back your power! As the 8th house also rules joint finances and money obtained through other people, now may be a time when your partner increases his or her income, you receive some sort of inheritance, or more easily obtain a much-needed loan. The 8th house is also the realm of sex and procreation, showing that this eclipse may re-ignite sexual passions! This is also an excellent time to begin exploring topics that are deemed dark, inappropriate or taboo.


With the Eclipse showing up in your 7th house, this is a major turning point or new beginning in your close relationships! If you’re married, this could mean a revival of your commitment or some major change in your relationship dynamics. For those who are single, this eclipse can bring an important new relationship into your life, romantic or otherwise. The 7th house is also the area involving contracts and clients, and Aquarians may experience difficulties or new developments in regards to both. As with all of the fixed signs, the new developments that take place in your close relationships will instigate change across several areas of your life, including your career, home and family life and self-image.


The Solar Eclipse in Leo will be occurring in your 6th house, Pisces, so be prepared to be extra busy this eclipse season! This placement indicates new beginnings in your daily work environment and health routines. Now more than ever, it is important to take good care of your health. This Eclipse brings an excellent opportunity to revitalize your health through better nutrition or a new work out routine. The energy of the Eclipse may also bring turbulence in your work environment, especially when it comes to your co-workers. If this is the case for you, know that it’s important to stand courageously in your Truth and to let your heart be your guide in all work-related affairs. You are certain to come out of the other side of this Eclipse much better for it!