Cosmic Insights

September 2023 Astro-Highlights: A Refreshing Respite! astro-highlights astrology astrology forecast astrology highlights astrology with heather full moon full moon in aries retrograde planets september 2023 supermoon zodiac tropical western astrology Aug 31, 2023

In spite of the fact that we have five planets in retrograde as the month begins, September does end with a distinct shift in the energies and a feeling of momentum after two inner planets, Venus and Mercury, finally start to move forward.

The month kicks off with Venus stationing direct in Leo...

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The TOP 5 Things to Know About Retrograde Planets in the Birth chart! astrology astrology lessons astrology with heather learn astrology retrograde planets zodiac tropical western astrology Aug 25, 2023

Did you know that it's unusual NOT to have retrograde planets in your birth chart?

In fact, most people are born with at least one retrograde planet!


Most planets, with the exception of Venus and Mars, move in retrograde at least once a year, which makes retrograde...

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The POWER of Timing: Choose the Perfect Time with Electional Astrology! astrology astrology lessons astrology with heather choosing timing electional astrology learn astrology timing zodiac tropical western astrology Aug 18, 2023

Did you know that by choosing the right moment to act, you can minimize risk AND increase your chances of success in ANY of your endeavors?? 



It's true! Electional Astrology is the art of choosing the best astrological timing to ensure success with anything you choose to...

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How to Predict Your LUCKIEST Times: Understanding the Great Benefic in Transit! abundance astrology astrology lessons astrology with heather blessings great benefic jupiter retrograde jupiter transits learn astrology zodiac tropical western astrology Aug 11, 2023

We all know Jupiter is the Great Benefic planet, but what does that really mean?

It means that of all the astrological planets, Jupiter typically signifies things in our life that are objectively good. However, Jupiter's broader significations are luck, growth, and expansion!
In transit,...
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August 2023 Astro-Highlights: When Life Throws You Curveballs! astro-highlights astrology astrology forecast astrology highlights astrology with heather august 2023 full moon in pisces learn astrology zodiac tropical western astrology Jul 31, 2023

August is a powerful month of transition and change, ultimately guiding us toward greater freedom. But, before we get there, frustration and doubt could force us to take a detour!

This month begins with an unusually emotional Full Super Moon in the typically cool, calm and collected sign of...

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