Cosmic Insights

The PLANETS in Medical Astrology health jupiter learn astrology mars medical astrology medical astrology planets mercury moon neptune planets pluto saturn sun tutorial uranus venus wellness Feb 10, 2024

Medical astrology is a fascinating way to understand the connections between physical and mental illness, overall health and wellness, and literally everything you encounter in your life.

From childhood trauma, emotional patterns, environmental influences, behaviors, major life events,...

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Pre-Eclipse HEALING! The Karmic North Node conjunct CHIRON! | Cosmic Insights Blog by Heather Eland april 2024 astrology forecast chiron chiron conjunct north node eclipse february 2024 great american eclipse horoscope lunar nodes march 2024 north node solar eclipse Feb 08, 2024

The conjunction between Chiron and the North Node on February 19, 2024, is a karmic prelude for what’s to come during the next eclipse cycle, especially when the total solar eclipse in Aries hits us on April 8.

Chiron is known as the “wounded healer.” 

While this weird...

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Malefic Houses in Traditional & Medical Astrology 12th house 6th house 8th house malefic houses medical astrology traditional astrology Feb 01, 2024

Did you know that certain houses are considered “malefic” in traditional Hellenistic astrology?”

That’s right! Traditionally, the 6th, 8th, and 12th houses are connected to difficult topics and are believed to be “bad places.”

And in medical astrology, these...

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DEMYSTIFYING 12th House Planets! 🔮 12th house 12th house planets jupiter in 12th house mars in 12th house medical astrology mercury in 12th house moon in 12th house neptune in 12th house pluto in 12th house saturn in 12th house sun in 12th house uranus in 12th house venus in 12th house Feb 01, 2024


The 12th house in astrology is among the most confusing and difficult energies to understand. 

In fact, the most common questions I get from my students and clients are often about the 12th house and what it means to have natal planets in this nebulous, intangible, and elusive house....

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January 2024 Astro-Highlights: A Major Choice Point! 2024 astro-highlights astrology astrology highlights astrology with heather january january 2024 Dec 30, 2023

We kick off the new year with eclipse-like energy, and many of us will find ourselves at a critical crossroads this month:

Evolve with the times or get left behind.

January features a life-altering New Moon in Capricorn that squares the lunar nodes and forces us to CHOOSE a path, while...

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